I won

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Author's P.O.V

Outside the hospital, Alfredo sat on a bench for a long while. His hands joint together as he stayed in the same position quietly. After a while, he got up and went to his car and drove back to his home.

He parked the car in garage and walked out, when suddenly he saw Robert standing in front of his house door. He looked anxious, frightened and in a haste like someone's was about to die.

Alfredo frowned and walked upto him. The moment Robert saw Alfredo, it looked like he was about to cry.

"The hell happened to you?!" Alfredo asked him and before he could realize, Robert fell on his knees.

"Its all my fault!! I'm so sorry Mr. Christopher! I betrayed you!!" He screamed, confessing to god knows which crime.

Alfredo stayed still, his hands shaking in anxiousness. He didn't understand a word of what Robert said other than the scorching feeling in his gut that something's going to happen and it's not gonna be pretty.

"What're you talking about?" He asked, his every words clear, with a glint of warning in each one of them.

"I... was the one who..." Robert stuttered, "...drugged you that night.."

His words were a huge hit of shock on him. His eyes widened with shock... but the shock was soon turned into anger.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?!" He kicked him so hard, he fell flat on the ground, holding his chest "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Alfredo grabbed his collar, "ANSWER ME!" His knuckles turning white with the hold on his collar.

"I HAD NO CHOICE! Azrael said.. He's gonna kill my entire family if I didn't do as he said! I had no choice!!" He cried tears of blood as he spoke, "I'm... sorry... I'm sorry... but I can't keep lying anymore."

Alfredo's breathing was becoming unstable with anger and extreme worry. He really let his guards down and now he have no idea what Azreal and Sebastian is planning.

"I overheard their plan.... THEY'RE GONNA KILL AARON AND BELLA TODAY!"

These words were enough to snatch away the ground under his feet.... his heart stopped for a split second. He had no idea where Aaron and Bella is... he had no idea where Azrael and Sebastian is or what they're gonna do with them. And if he doesn't make it in time... he'll lose every one. His brother, his love and his baby! AZRAEL IS GONNA SNATCH EVERYTHING AGAIN.

"No.. No.. No.." Alfredo's hand trembled terribly, his grip loosened from his collar as he stood up straight. He held his head, not knowing what to do. "I can't let that happen. I need to call Aaron" Alfredo took out his phone and was about to call him.

"Its no use. I called sir but his phone's switched off and they're not at home" Robert said, "I called the housekeepers too but they didn't know where they went"

His words were like needles pricking Alfredo. "I need to find Azrael. I have to get to him before he finds Aaron and Bella" Alfredo said while frantically calling someone on his phone.

"Only Sebastian knows where Azrael really is. And I know where we can find Sebastian!" Robert said.

-At Sebastian's side-

He has been hiding in the basement room in his old house the whole time.There was a room attached to the basement which only Sebastian knew and had access off. He made this place for a situation just like this.He was sitting on his comfy chair, while talking to someone on his phone with a victorious smile on his phone.Nobody would even suspect about this place... so it was the safest UNTIL NOW. He was sitting on his comfy chair, while talking to someone on his phone with a victorious smile on his phone "Kill her and the baby see if I care-"

the door to his room collapsed as someone kicked it too hard, revealing Alfredo. Sebastian stood up in shock, the phone fell from his hand as he looked at him with wide eyes.


"HOW THE HELL?!" He screamed "GUARDS-"

"Oh don't bother" Alfredo said with a devilish grin on his face "your lackeys are resting in their pool of blood" he said while walking towards him slowly.

"You can't- if you kill me... you'll never be able to save your brother" He said taking a step back in fear as Alfredo took a step forward... his clenched fist shaking with the desire to crush his face until he's unrecognizable.

"You... dare try to hurt my family.. AGAIN!?!" Alfredo gritted his teeth and He lunged at him, punching him right across his face... he stumbled backwards holding his dislocated jaw. Before he could regain from the punch, Alfredo grabbed his collar banging him against the wall, gritting his teeth.

"WHERE ARE THEY?! F*CKING TALK!!" He punched him again and again until his face become unrecognizable with the blood dripping down.

He coughed out blood, groaning in pain but instead of asking for mercy, he started laughing psychotically. His laugh echoed in the whole room. Alfredo's face twisted in confusion, his grip on his collar tightened to the point his hand started trembling.

"You can't save them. You... WILL NEVER MAKE IT IN TIME."

"YOU B@STARD!!!" Alfredo roared loudly in anger, pain, agony and helplessness. the same feeling he felt that day when his parents were killed. The same feelings came flooding back... His heart burning in pain as Sebastian's word stabbed him like daggers! Alfredo held his collar, throwing him on the ground, he pulled out a gun from his pocket, pointing straight at his head. His hands shaked, breathing heavily, he spoke, "this is the last time I'm asking you" his heart thumped inside his chest.

"See.. I won-"


Before he could complete his sentence, three loud gunshot echoed inside the basement followed by a heart clenching scream.

"AAAGHHH" Alfredo screamed from the bottom of his lungs.


"SIR STOP HE'S DEAD" Robert said, as he tried to pull Alfredo away from him. Alfredo kept pulling the trigger even though there were no bullets left. He was gone totally insane. Alfredo's whole face got splashed with his blood and Sebastian's body remained still. His face was unrecognizable with 6 bullets shot straight in his face.

"WHYYYY?!!!!! WHYYY?!!! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?!!" He screamed at Sebastian's dead body... tears falling from his red eyes. The last bit of his sanity was gone! His emotions were now too heightened for him to control himself. "TELL ME WHERE IS MY BROTHER?! WHERE IS MY BELLA?! WHERE IS MY BABY?!?!" He cried loudly, shaking his dead body, expecting an answer from a dead person. The thought of losing the last of his family had made him insane.His grip loosened and he fell back on the ground... he held the table for support and tried to get up. "I.. I... need to find them... Aaron... don't be afraid... your.. brother's here..." he kept murmuring the same thing over and over again. His visions blurring as the scenes of past flashed before his eyes, it was like reliving his worst nightmare. He was about to lost his family again. His past stood in front of him anymore.

"Mr. Christopher... We'll find them! Please control yourself..." Robert tried to calm him down.

"I can't-" he struggled to breath, "I can't lose... anyone... anymore..."

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