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Author's P.O.V:

"WE NEED TO HIDE" Aaron covered Bella with his body as the sounds of firing increased with every second. Aaron realized that it wasn't just a shot but an attack on them. He ducked, hiding Bella inside his embrace as he walked her to his car hiding behind the bushes and the trees. As they walked, the stems and trunks of trees cut Aaron's already injured arm... his hand were bleeding like fountain but right now, it was least of his concern.

"LISTEN TO ME CAREFULLY" Aaron said as he shoved her inside his car, "Hide inside the car and no matter what happens, DO. NOT. COME. OUT" He emphasized each word, holding her face inside his hands, his eyes drinking in the sight of her like it could be the last time he'd be seeing her. He pulled himself away when she held his hand which was holding her face.

"What about you Aaron? I can't-"
"JUST DO AS I SAY!" He screamed with urgency, "I beg you" His voice desperate with concern. this wasn't the time for any arguments. One mistake and either of them could fell victim to whoever is the attacker. He closed the door behind him. Bella ducked inside the car, hiding herself like Aaron told her.

Aaron hid behind a tree, clutching his bleeding arm with his hand. His right arm going limp with the pain.. He took out a handkerchief and wrapped it around the injured area, With his left hand, he pulled out a gun, loading the bullets, he took his position. He called for reinforcements immediately as he analyzed the situation. There were way too many people and they've surrounded them and there was no way of running.

"Nobody knows about this place other than Alfredo but he wouldn't do this" Aaron thought to himself, Then realization hit him hard. It wasn't Alfredo but THE ENEMY OF HIS LIFE.This whole attack was planned by AZRAEL. He was here to avenge his son!

"FUCK!" He cursed under his breath.

"FIND HIM! HE'S HIDING SOMEWHERE HERE" One of the attackers said as his footstep came closer towards Aaron. His eyes fell on Aaron's shadow near the tree. He walked cautiously towards it. The moment he reached there, he realized it was the shadow of tree trunk which was deliberately put there as an illusion.

Before he could realize the trap, Aaron lunged at him from the back and snapped his neck in one swift motion, using his dead body as a shield he shot other two attackers when numerous men upon commotion started shooting in his direction. He threw away the body and hid again, holding his bleeding hand. The number of men was way too overwhelming for him.

"These bastards!" He groaned in pain.

Far away, A man sitting inside his luxurious car watched the whole scene with a victorious smirk on his face. "Would love to see how long you can hold on AARON CHRISTOPHER." Azrael said with a smug face.

Aaron wiped the blood on his face with his hand, his eyes turning red with bloodthirst as he pulled out another gun, now ready to get his both hands dirty, "You underestimated me" Aaron scoffed under his breath, forgetting the insignificant pain in his right arm and positioned his both hands.

Aaron took a deep breath before coming out of the woods. Before anyone could realize his presence. He started firing at them with both of guns he held in his hand. He walked while shooting everyone who came in his way. The blood splashed everywhere,  his face has turned red with his enemy's blood but he couldn't care less. He pulled the trigger again but their were no bullets left, He cursed when one of the attacker lunged on him.He swayed his gun, holding it upside down, he hit that attacker hard on his head with the back of the gun.Crushing his head under his feet.... He took his guns and walked away.


He closed his eyes, sighing in frustration as he realized a gun was pointed directly at his head.

"Wrong move" His lips curved, and in a swift moment he got hold of his gun and twisted his arm with his hand, "This is gonna hurt" he said viciously before cracking his arm right off of his shoulder and kicking him away.

All of a sudden, the place went quite with no sound of any bullet shots. Nobody was seen as far which was alarming enough. Suddenly A loud gunshot echoed in the area followed by Aaron's loud painful groan.

"Aaaghhh" Aaron groaned loudly in pain as someone shot him in the leg, he fell on his knees as the pain overtook his strength and before he could manage to regain his composure, he was surrounded by bunch of men, all holding a gun pointed at his head. Aaron couldn't see anything clearly, blood was dripping down his head, the excruciating pain blurred his vision, he clutched his arm with his hand trying to stop the bleeding. He blinked rapidly trying to do something against his enemies but he was so powerless at this point.

"Game over" One of the attacker said, about to pull the trigger when suddenly..


Loud thuds of bodies collapsing on the ground was heard, Aaron looked up, shocked and confused on who shot them.

"Do you think I'd leave you here to die, LITTLE BROTHER" Alfredo smiled, looking at his little brother.

"A-Alf?" Aaron looked at up, still not believing he was here to save him after all that happened between them.
"I should've left you to DIE THAT DAY" Alfredo's words echoed in his mind... He was confused if it was really true or he's just seeing things but his doubts vanished when Alfredo offered his hand to him like he always did, as his older brother. Who was always there with him, In good times and bad times. The older brother he looked upto. It was him. Aaron smiled holding his hand, his courage and strength rushing back in his body. Alfredo pulled him up, bringing him in a huge hug. The both of their eyes welled up with tears. And in that moment, Both of them forgot everything in the past. Only thing they remembered is that... they were each other's STRENGTH. Their broken heart bonded in that very moment.

"I'm sorry.... I didn't meant what I said." Alfredo said.

"I didn't meant what I said either."Alfredo chuckled, breaking the hug.. he looked at Aaron with an encouraging smile.

"We're gonna end this.TOGETHER"
"Like we always do"

They broke apart, Alfredo threw one of his spare guns to Aaron. He caught it easily and the both of them soon positioned themselves to wipe out the last of their enemies. The both brother joined their forces together and Indeed, They were strong when they were together. They were the perfect example of teamwork. By that time, most Alfredo's men was here already which wiped half of the attackers already. In a blink of an eye, most of Azrael's men was wiped out... There were a still a few left, hiding in the dark.

"Where is Bella?!" Alfredo asked, alarmed at the silence again.

"In the car"

"You go and see if she's okay! I'll take care of these toddlers!" Alfredo commanded and Aaron nodded and ran to the car.

--At Bella's side--

the sound of bullet and painful screams echoing in the whole area making her shiver in fear. She covered her ears, clenching her eyes shut but the voices wasn't vanishing away... every shot arising goosebumps all over her body.She couldn't take this anymore... It felt like every moment of her happiness came with a huge price.She clutched her belly with her hand, afraid of losing her baby in this bloodshed.

Her belly started hurting by now.... the uneasiness, the stress, the fear, the stench of blood was affecting the baby..She was having a hard time trying to be conscious... her forehead was covered with sweat beads... her vision blurred in pain.

"Someone please... help..." she clutched her belly, as she cried painfully.

Suddenly, The door of the car opened... she looked up with her blurry vision, a cry left her lips when she saw him covered in blood, she touched his bleeding forehead with wide eyes filled with concern. though he was covered in blood... She crawled to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him in a hug. He hugged her back, rubbing he back soothingly. She sunk inside his embrace, it made her feel safe.

"Lets get you out of here" He helped her out of the car, holding her by her shoulders, he was leading her to safety when....

"AARON!!!" Bella screamed.


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