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There were only two types of people who entered NOWHERE - the innocent ones who faced corruption once stepping foot in the establishment and everyone else.

Unless you were a doe-eyed fool or venturing for the first time out of a small town in Butt-Fuck, USA, one knew better than to come to a place like this for a drink. No one in their right mind knowingly came here for a wholesome night.

They tried running a clean establishment after running from their past lives, but they couldn't help the patrons it attracted or what they got up to once inside. After all, most customers dabbled in snorting illegal substances along with the owners themselves.

Not that any of them truly cared - this was the life the three men were destined for; built, moulded, and conditioned for.

"Are you going to join us at some point, Boss?" Colson asked, pulling a cigarette out of his carton.

Sat behind his desk with his nose deep in the accounting books, the man who was referred to as Boss by his closest friends sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Not until I figure this out."

"C'mon, you don't want to be there while we initiate the kid? I know how you love that."

Harry looked up at his friend who stood in the doorway of his office. "As tempting as getting the kid shitfaced and making a fool of him sounds, I need to get this done." His eyes shifted to the small bar table on the far wall, noticing the empty bottle. "Shit," he grumbled, rising from his seat. Seeing Colson's surprised look, he held up his hand. "Don't get your panties in a twist, Princess. Just need to get a drink."

Exiting the office, Harry made quick use of his feet, desperately needing the taste of whiskey on his tongue. Turning the corner his body collided with another, halting his plans for a quick trip.

"Oh, sorry!" An airy voice said. "Are you alright?"

His green eyes looked down at the tiny brunette in front of him. "I should be asking you that." His hand lightly gripped her chin, tilting her head to face him. "Or, more importantly, I should be asking what the fuck you think you're doing in an employee only area?"

"I-I'm sorry," she stuttered, "The guy downstairs said the bathrooms were up here."

"What guy?" Harry asked, assuming the answer. He looked down the staircase to see Dallas making an obscure gesture of thrusting his hips and smacking the air in front of him. Harry looked back at the girl, noticing the hint of fear in her eyes as she trembled in front of him. "What's your name, sweetheart?"


"Beth," he repeated, "That's a beautiful name. What table are you at?"

"Ten," she said softly.

Harry tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, craving her fearful nature. "I'll make sure someone brings you and your friends a free bottle for my friends... misinformed directions."

He sent her on her way, back down the stairs and to whatever friends she had arrived with.

Fucking Bambi, he thought to himself, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

Harry opened the supply closet and grabbed two bottles of alcohol - to save himself from having to endure the same trip later on in the night - and walked back to his office.

"Tell Dallas that I'm going to kick his ass when I get down there."

Colson took a final drag from his cigarette and tossed the butt into his glass. "What did he do this time?"

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