034. THE BET

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034. THE BET

Harry never imagined he would carry someone bridal style

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Harry never imagined he would carry someone bridal style.

There was a first for everything.

Rory just had to be recovering from head wounds and blood for it to happen.

After Colson had finished stitching her up, he stayed with her - much to Rory's dismay - and held a pack of frozen peas against her bottom lip to help make sure it didn't swell to twice the size. Harry took that opportunity to grab a quick shower, washing the dried blood of Tanner and Rory off his skin before changing into a fresh set of clothes.

It seemed Rory approved of his new body wash because as he carried her up the stairs, he heard her hum a quiet sound of approval, followed by murmuring, "Mmm, soap."

Placing her down on the ground, he asked for the hundredth time that night, "are you okay?" to which she responded with her infamous nod. Harry grabbed a selection of clothing from his room and returned to the guest bedroom with abundant choice.

"This might be the easiest for tonight," he said, picking up the zip-up sweater. "You won't have to bend your arm."


Dropping her towel with no warning, Rory watched as Harry quickened his pace to cover her up with the sweater. He managed to get her arms in without further injury and fumbled nervously with the zipper. Placing her hands on his shoulders for balance, she stepped into the pair of cotton shorts he grabbed and stood still, resting her hands on his shoulders for balance as he slid the material up her legs.


She nodded. "I'm sleepy."

Noticing her evident heavy eyelids, he said, "I think Colson's magic blue pill is working. Let's get you into bed."

"Do you take those for your Little Harry?"

Turning down the sheets, Harry stared at the girl at the end of the bed. "What?"

"Aren't magic blue pills for your penis?"

"You didn't take erectile dysfunction medication, Rory."

"Oh." She let out a loud yawn. "Can I sleep now?"

Guiding her to the bed, he helped her settle down onto the mattress and lay her head on the pillow. Harry sat on the edge and brushed the hair from her face. With half-opened eyes, Rory let out a giggle.

"What's so funny?"

"Little Harry," she mumbled, erupting into more giggles.

Not wanting to condone such behaviour and risk her not going to sleep, he fought the urge to laugh along and said, "Get some rest, Bambi." Harry turned off the lamp on the bedside table and made his way out of the room.

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