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AN: just wanted to let you know I'm posting teasers & edits on tiktok @ normalsandwich69 

hope to see you there ily x


Harry stood outside her bedroom door and listened to her cries.

He assumed making his presence known to her would only make the pain worse. And so, he slowly lowered himself to the ground and drew his knees into his chest - sitting just like he did for most hours of the day.

Every sob he heard her release sent a pain through his chest. He wanted to make it better - make the hurt disappear. But Harry knew he was the cause of it.

Only a slight amount of relief filled his body as the crying seemed to stop. Not a single sound was heard for over an hour. At least she's asleep now, he thought to himself.

Hearing footsteps approaching, Harry turned his head to the side and released a shaky breath. "Spare me the lecture tonight," he whispered, "Please."

"No lecture, I promise. I just have coffee." Dallas sat beside his friend and handed over a full mug of burning liquid. "You know you don't have to sit out here with your gun, right? We have a shit ton of bodies circling the property twenty-four-seven to keep her safe."

"I don't care."

"What if she comes out and sees you with that thing?"

Harry let out a heavy sigh and shrugged off the remark.

"Rough night?"

"Rory saw me through the window and ran inside crying."

"Damn," Dallas muttered. "That's tough."

Harry wrapped his hands around the scalding ceramic and slowly nodded, humming in agreement. "She can't be a part of this."


"She can't, Dallas."

"We may not have a choice."

Raising the mug to his lips, Harry took a sip - burning his tongue with the scorching liquid. "I know," he admitted in defeat, resting his head against the wall. "I just hoped one of us would still be left with the power to decide for themselves. She doesn't deserve this life."

"I don't know," Dallas mumbled, shrugging his shoulders. "She seems like the perfect fit for it. You know, a bit..." he pointed his index finger at his temple, moving it in circular motions.

"Perfect better be the word you're looking for."

Dallas rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Rory's just like us."

"Don't say that."

"Oh, come on. You can't sit here and pretend like she wouldn't be fucking badass shooting-"

Harry looked to the side, narrowing his glance at Dallas. That one look was all Dallas needed to know that it was time to shut up. And not wanting the gun on the ground to be used against him, he slouched against the wall and yawned.

"Where's Colson?"

"Helping Kip. The kids managed to crack the first locket. But apparently, Rory's USB is giving him some trouble. Something to do with a mainframe... or a hard drive...." Dallas shrugged. "Either way, it should be done soon enough." There was a beat of silence before he asked, "What do you think is on those things?"

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