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also this is the longest chapter & the last cute one before things pick up again. so grab a snack & enjoy!

twitter: @/ normiesandwich

ps apologies for any mistakes - im still sick lmao



Rory fell asleep to the scent of soap and a warm body holding her close.

But when she woke the following morning, she found herself alone and the spot next to her cold. For a split second, she wondered if she imagined Harry coming into her room - his side of the bed was perfectly made.

Spotting the note on the side table instantly squashed her fears and allowed her mind to rest.

Sorry for leaving, Bambi. I had to go to therapy & didn't want to wake you.

See you when you get up. x Harry

Warmth spread through her chest, causing her to forget the cold side of the bed. There was something so thoughtful and kind behind leaving a note. A gesture she not only liked but one she loved. Rory loved all the notes he left for her - she had kept every single one in the past. And this would be no expectation.

However, looking at the note, she couldn't stop a thought from crossing her mind. Rory didn't know where they stood with each other.

She wandered a confusing line between wishing she could forget and not wanting to let him walk away from his sins without any repercussions. A classic battle between the brain and heart - and she had no idea which one would become victorious.

What made things even more confusing was the passing of time.

It seemed like months ago that it had all happened - when she overheard Harry calling her broken, and she packed up her life from his house the next day. But that was only a handful of weeks ago. And ending up in the safehouse wasn't something that happened far in the past. It was days.

She spent less than a week in the safe house.

And this was only her third morning waking up in Mr. Romano's home.

Even if she wanted to listen to her heart, it was too soon to forget the past.


Of course, it is, the voice in her head sneered. Just because you want to play a pretend Princess doesn't mean you have to stop living in reality. Think logically, Rory.

Think logically. The concept seemed so foreign these days it almost made her laugh.

Rory wondered what would happen when she left the Romano home. What would her new life be like? How would Agent Siren be living for the next few months? Clearly, her apartment no longer existed. She wasn't sure why that was, but her curious mind wouldn't let the topic linger without knowing for much longer.

Rubbing her tired eyes, she begrudgingly got out of the cozy bed and headed into the bathroom to prepare for the day. Turning on the tap, her hands cupped the running water before splashing it across her face. Everything felt more luxurious here - even the cold water felt rich.

Although she wished she could lay under the covers forever, for once, Rory didn't mind getting up and starting her day. Nothing felt like a chore in this house - mainly because an entire staff of people waited on her hand and foot. Help had never been a known concept to her. Nor was it something she ever thought she would enjoy, let alone accept.

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