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Rory spent most of the next day doing what she loved most: sleeping

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Rory spent most of the next day doing what she loved most: sleeping.

Harry didn't know if she truly was sleeping or just a fantastic actress any time he checked in on her - the jury was still out. But she was fast asleep whenever he poked his head into the guest bedroom. The magic blue pills really did a number on her.

By late afternoon, Harry thought he should check her pulse each time to ensure she was still breathing. She was a tiny thing - not in terms of her height, something he knew would piss her off if he ever insinuated out loud - and taking the same dose they did could have a dangerous effect on her.

Giving in to his thoughts, Harry made his way upstairs to check that she was, in fact, still alive and breathing. He wondered what Rory would do if she woke up to him checking her pulse.

Probably curse him out. Rory was a feisty one when mad.

However, when he peeked into her room, there was no Bambi sound asleep in bed. Panic spread through his chest, only for a brief moment, before he noticed her sitting by the window with her phone to her ear.

"Hey, sorry I didn't call you back yesterday. Look, I need to tell you something," Rory said. "No, I promise I'm okay, Mia. Something just happened last night and-" she paused. "Yeah, w-with Tanner... I'm okay... he came by the bar, I-I didn't have a choice..." the shakiness was evident in her voice, "No, I'm not at the hospital... uh, Harry found me... he's been amazing, actually..." Rory wiped her eyes as she sniffled. "Can you cover for me at work? I can't go in looking like this... Thanks... I know. I really am fucking lucky... I will... Okay, I love you too... Bye."

Harry lingered by the door. He didn't want to walk in immediately and make her suspicious that he was eavesdropping, so he awkwardly stood in the hallway before determining that an appropriate amount of time had passed.

Knocking softly on the door, Harry waited until he heard her say "come in" before entering the room. Spotting her back in bed, he walked over and sat down on the edge of the mattress.

"You're finally awake!" he commented as if he didn't already know. "Sleep well?"

Rory nodded.



"Come on, Bambi. It's almost four in the afternoon. You need to eat something."

"I'm not hungry," she said as her fingers toyed with the blanket.

"Well, you need something."

"Then I'll have coffee."

Harry sighed. "I don't have a machine." Noticing her express discomfort, he reached forward and brushed the hair from her face. "Hurting?"


"We got you some proper medication for that," he said, tucking a strand behind her ear. "But you can't take them on an empty stomach." Met with silence and Rory refusing to meet his glance, he spoke softly and said, "How about I bring you up something to eat, and you can decide if you want it. And if you don't, we'll try again later. Does that sound good?"

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