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Scrambling off the bed, Rory hurried to the cabinet under the sink and pulled out her medical kit. She had to admit, she was excited to finally use this thing.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" she asked, making her way back into the room. 

"Well, do you know what you're doing?"

She nodded. "I've read all about it and-"

"Hold on," he held up his hand, "You've never done this before? You've just read about it?"

"I have done this before - just not on a human. Surprisingly, I don't get many strangers covered in blood showing up at my door unannounced." Rory placed her kit down on her bed and unzipped it. "But the fruit I practised on had no complaints if that makes you feel better."

"And the reading?"

"I read medical textbooks for fun."


Shrugging her shoulders, she looked through her bag for some items. "Because I enjoy it."

"You enjoy reading textbooks for fun?"

"Did you hit your head or are you just not listening to what I'm telling you?" she asked, laying out her supplies.

Tapping her finger against her chin, she appeared lost in thought. Before Harry had the chance to ask what was going on in her head, she left the room without a word. Harry turned his head towards the hallway, wondering if she suddenly decided to bow out of helping him. He didn't hear the front door of her apartment opening and slamming shut - that had to be a good sign. Unless she snuck out the window.

Rory returned with folded towels secured under one arm and a garbage bag in one hand while dragging a chair behind her with the other. Laying a towel on the ground, she placed the chair on top and positioned her garbage bag beside it.

"Sit," she instructed. "I don't want you passing out and actually hitting your head."

Disappearing into the bathroom before Harry had the chance to tell her he would be fine, he accepted his defeat and took a seat. His head turned, listening to the noise. It wasn't the running water that caught his attention - it was the sound of her humming a song.

Watching her walk towards her bed, he noticed her hair was now fashioned in a low bun, keeping her hair out of her face and allowing her features to be fully on display.

"What were you singing in there?"

Rory only answered with a smile as she put on a pair of latex gloves.

"Gatekeeping songs from me, Bambi?"

Lowering herself to her knees in front of him, she pressed a towel against his wounds. "It's something my Uncle wrote and it's special to me - that's all."

"Why is it special?"

"Ah, we're getting personal now?" She cocked her head to the side. "How did you end up like this then?"

"Trying to avoid my question, Bambi?"

Adjusting the towel, she pressed a side of the material that wasn't dyed with blood against his skin. "No, I'm just looking to make our sharing circle more interesting for myself. Where's the fun in giving you information if I get nothing back?" she asked, applying more pressure to his wound. "Unfortunately for me, it's best if you keep talking so I know you haven't passed out."

"Fair enough." He was entertained by her; at least that made her lingering presence over this entire situation more tolerable. "Why did you learn how to do this?"

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