050. VOICE

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050. VOICE

Rory stared blankly at the wall.

Since waking up and admitting that she'd rather be dead than alive, she had not spoken a word. The older woman, a person Rory did not recognize, either failed to hear the comment or decided to brush it off. Not even a single flinch crossed the woman's expression as she continued to care for Rory.

The Doctor introduced herself, but the name had already slipped Rory's mind. Since she didn't wear a nametag, Rory decided to call her the Doctor - that's what she was, after all; a Doctor. It seemed polite and professional to refer to her as her title. And given Rory's current state, the fact she wanted to be courteous and professional with this unknown woman was an amazing feat.

Looking at the woman sitting on the bed, her eyes scanned every inch of her face, every line and freckle. Dark raven hair was tied back into a low bun with a few fallen strands to shape the women's face. She was beautiful, the kind of beauty Rory didn't mind seeing upon realizing she had to suffer with being alive. Covering her frame with a white lab coat, the woman in front of her genuinely was a Doctor, or she bought a costume from the store to pretend.

She has soft skin, Rory thought as the Doctor brushed away the fallen tears from her cheeks. She's gentle too, her thoughts continued to praise as the woman helped her drink from a cup of water.

With her mind still groggy from her medicated slumber and far more consumed over the fact she had not been rewarded with death, Rory barely thought about her unknown surroundings. She assumed her Dad would have warned her about any imposing dangers once she woke up. Besides, her body was far too exhausted to fight back. Whether her medical background was real or fake, Rory was happy the Doctor was kind.

Plus, there was a way the Doctor cared for her in a way that felt motherly. It comforted Rory and made her feel safe - even when she should feel anything but that, considering she had no idea what was happening. However, the Doctor made Rory forget her lack of understanding with their gentle touch and pretty smile.

She watched the Doctor check her vital signs with half-open eyes before drifting back to sleep.

Sleep was a funny thing to Rory.

Sometimes it felt like she had slept for hours only to find out minutes had passed.

Other times, she woke up groggy and feeling like she had only slept for minutes when in reality, hours had passed.

Rory had no idea how long she had fallen back asleep. The sun was still peeking through the thin white linen curtains covering the window, signalling she hadn't slept for long.

Her eyes drifted around the room, finally taking in the space around her.

Hospital rooms usually appeared dark and cold to Rory. With standard white painted walls that faded to yellow over time and fluorescent lighting, she always wondered why such drab decorating was chosen for a place where people were born and died. It hardly seemed like the location one would want to celebrate new life or feel comforted when someone passed.

The room she found herself in was far from dark and cold. In fact, it was warm and comforting - the last two things Rory expected to think after waking up in this situation. She should have been scared, not knowing where she was, why she was here, or what she needed the pretty Doctor's attention for. But her attention was far too fixated on something across the room.

A snow globe.

More specifically, the snow globe of Seattle that Harry gave her.


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