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IT'S GONNA BE MAY - happy may 1st

please make sure you read all the key details in this chapter!! i struggled really hard with liking my writing but its really important for the rest of the story.




01:00.00... 00:59.59... 00:59.58... 00:59.57...

"Rory," his voice softly whispered. "Rory, baby," a kiss was placed against her forehead before he added in a mumble, "It's time to get up."

As her eyes slowly opened, a displeased groan escaped. "Why?"

"Because," Harry paused, allowing him to choose his following words carefully, "I made breakfast, and I want you to eat before Dallas inhales everything."

It wasn't a complete lie - Dallas was awake and had a never-ending pit for a stomach. But the urgency behind her needing to wake up wasn't alluded to. Harry didn't want to remind her of the text from Handler first thing in the morning.

One eye slowly opened. "What did you make?"

"Asparagus and Brussels sprouts," he teased, earning a disgusted wrinkle of her nose, just like he knew she'd respond. "You know I made your favourite."



"With chocolate chips?"


"And strawberries?"

"Yes, Bambi. I even got bananas too. Everything fresh from the market."

"You went to the market?"

Harry nodded, brushing the hair from her face. "Got there first thing this morning after my run."

"First thing?" Rubbing her tired eyes, she said, "But the market opens at six! How long did you sleep?"

"Long enough." Harry pressed another kiss to her forehead. "Now, get a move on and come downstairs before everything ends up in Dallas's stomach."

Rory sat up in bed and stretched her arms, letting out a loud, dramatic yawn. "Mm, you're lucky I'm a sucker for pancakes."

"I know you are. That's why I told Dallas if he had any before I got back downstairs, I'd put a bullet through his skull."

"Aw," she cooed, "So romantic!"

"See you down there in five?"

Receiving a nod of agreement, Harry got up from the bed and headed to the door. But just as he reached for the handle, he heard her ask,

"How long?"

Harry turned around. "What?"

"How long?" she repeated. "For... breakfast."

Guilt pained his heart. "About an hour."

Rory forced a smile. "Okay," she said, "Is Stefano...."

"Coming for breakfast?" he finished for her. The forced smile was slowly replaced by a genuine one, signalling she appreciated his gesture of playing along. "He'll be here in about thirty to forty minutes." Lingering in the doorway, he added, "Everything will be okay, Rory."

Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, attention on the floor in front of her, she said, "I know. It's just breakfast, after all," she looked over at him, "Right?"

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