069. PRESENT // PART 002

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i love (w)hory hehe

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069. PRESENT // PART 002


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"Rory, baby," Harry's voice drifted through her subconscious. "It's time to wake up."

Rory slowly opened her eyes as a hand touched her shoulder and gently rocked her body. With her mind in a sleepy haze, she tried to remember where they were. She was in a car – that at least she knew. The dashboard in front and seatbelt strapping her to the car seat was a clear giveaway. Her eyelids were heavy as she looked out the car window, attempting to take in the scenery.

"How long have I been asleep for?" she tiredly murmured.

"Majority of the drive."

"Oh, sorry."

"Don't apologize. I'm glad you slept."

Rubbing her eyes, the girl released a yawn as she focused on the view. "Where are we?"

"Let's get out of the car, and I'll show you."

Rory only managed to undo her seatbelt by the time Harry had gotten out of the car and rounded to her side of the vehicle. With the passenger side door now opened and an extended hand waiting for her to take, she placed her feet on the ground, slowly pulled herself up using his hand, and got out of her seat. A quick glance in front indicated the same scenery of endless hills she first noticed upon waking up from her nap.

But there was something different about taking the scenery this time compared to a few minutes ago.

Suddenly, Rory noticed everything. The grass was a vibrant shade of green, and large trees surrounded the property. She wondered how far the hills went – it felt perfectly secluded in all the best ways. Off to the left, she spotted a short picket gate between whimsically overgrown greenery bushes. And just past the gate, down the hill, she could see a small pond. The body of water didn't scare her – she found it quite beautiful. And the small family of ducks swimming around erupted a warmth throughout her chest.

It wasn't just the scenic nature Rory appreciated, but the air's freshness. Maybe it was her exhaustion, but every breath filled her lungs in a way she had never felt. No longer was there an underlying tightness in her chest – she felt free. And no longer did exhaustion take over her body from head to toe – Rory felt alive.

Maybe the air is better here... wherever here is.

Regardless of how Rory loved the picturesque storybook view, she couldn't stop herself from teasingly asking,

"You didn't bring me here to kill me, right?"

Harry released a short laugh over the sudden remark. "No, Bambi. It still amazes me where that mind of yours goes."

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