070. ELEANORA // PART 002

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i hope you're enjoying the doctor khan x romano background story so far. like i said, they walked so whory could run. 

also just in case it wasn't clear... these chapters will go over everything. so. take that for what you will. hehe.


070. ELEANORA // PART 003


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Nora-itious quickly became a problem – the only cure being testing temptation by talking on the phone. S found it impossible to stay away. And Ellie welcomed all the calls with open arms. Although he initially tried to keep the number limited, it quickly snowballed from every few days to every single day – and easily turned into the best part of both of their days.

In fact, Ellie got so used to his calls that the idea of not getting one caused a feeling of emptiness. When it neared midnight without hearing from him, she began to worry. The adrenaline rush of fear from not knowing what was wrong caused her to stay up and cuddle Pancake (despite the cat's wishes to go scratch at her post instead). Then the fear turned to self-pity – wondering if his time was just consumed by something (or someone) else.

With a tub of ice cream in hand and a re-run of her favourite reality television show playing, Ellie tried to ignore her thoughts... convince herself that this was for the best. One day of missing out on talking shouldn't have had such an effect on her. Maybe this was the exact type of call she needed – a wake-up call. Ellie convinced herself she wouldn't pick up his call, given she received one, the following day. A way to prove to herself that she wasn't as dependent on the serotonin boost a single phone call provided.

However, the second her phone started ringing at four in the morning, she jumped at the opportunity to answer.


"Nora," he grunted in pain, his voice sounding weak, "I need you."

That call at four in the morning changed their entire relationship.

When Ellie was picked up that night and escorted into a private room, she didn't know what to expect. But nothing could have prepared her for the sight. S was lying on a couch, face swollen as blood pooled from his mouth and stained his clothes. Ellie fell to her knees beside him, brushing back the sweat-slicken hair on his forehead.

"Oh my god," she gasped, "Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry," was all he whispered.

"W-what? Why?"

"For calling you like this... I just–"

"Don't be sorry," she quickly cut him off. "I'm here to help. Okay?" Turning her head, her eyes found their way to Frankie. "What happened?"

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