051. LIES

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051. LIES

Every passing minute began to take its toll on Rory's mental well-being.

Rory continued to fake a smile and push herself to make Doctor Khan happy, pretending never to be in pain or upset. She could tell whenever she said or did something that made the Doctor proud; a look of joy flashed through the woman's eyes as she nodded along, scribbling words onto her clipboard.

Even the simple "thank you" Rory gave her last night almost pushed the woman to tears. And so, Rory did her best to keep speaking, even if it was just her basic manners of "please" and "thank you" while spoon-fed jello.

"How are you feeling this morning?"

"Good," Rory said quietly. "Tired."

"Did you not sleep well?"

She hadn't slept at all. But wanting to push forward the narrative that she was getting better, she replied, "Adjusting."

"Adjusting," Doctor Khan repeated to herself, writing something down in her notes. "I can understand that. It might take some time. But, as long as you're not in pain or scared-"

"I-I'm not."

Reaching a hand forward, she caressed Rory's cheek. "That's good to hear, sweetheart. And look at your overnight progress with how much you're talking now! I'm so proud of you, Rory!" she exclaimed. "Is there anything you would like to do today, my sweet girl?"

Rory's attention went to the double set of doors. "Outside?"

Doctor Khan followed her gaze. "You would like to go outside?"

Rory nodded.

"Of course! That sounds like a great idea! It's a beautiful day."

After finishing her meal alone in her room, Rory got out of bed and went outside with the Doctor. She wanted to tell herself that she was just pretending to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful day, but she would have been lying. Just outside the bedroom door led to the backyard. The vast fields appeared to be never-ending from where they stood, and Rory wondered how there were no other homes in sight.

"Where am I?"

Doctor Khan secured her arm around Rory's waist as they walked. "A few hours outside of the city."


"Because it's a relaxing place to recover."

"Relaxing," Rory agreed with a nod. Her replies were short, but they were surprised by how frequently she spoke. "I like it," she whispered, eyes roaming the forest of a backyard.

"Me too."

Rory's steps came to a sudden halt as she noticed a man following from a few feet away. "Who is that?"

"Security." Stroking her back in a comforting fashion, Doctor Khan added, "A precautionary measure to keep everyone safe. But I, for one," she waved him back with her free hand, "Find it to be a bit crowding when they follow me around."

Rory watched as the heavily armed guard retreated. Eyes scanning every inch of the man's face, Rory realized she had never seen him before - which was odd, considering she had become familiar with Harry's security team.

"Who do you work for?" Catching the woman's side glance, she quickly added, "Nevermind. Sorry I-I asked."

"No, that's alright. I'm just still surprised to hear you talking so much," Doctor Khan said with a smile, "I was told you were a curious little thing. But I hadn't experienced the so-called Rory charm. At first, I was worried you didn't like me."

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