061. GOOD // MOO

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who's ready for harry to moo?? - if u saw the tweet about this, you're a real one.

follow me on twitter @/ normiesandwich if ya wanna join in on the fun!



061. GOOD // MOO

Harry had trouble recalling a time he felt this happy.

Pure, innocent and simple: three words he never thought his emotions could be like. That feeling flowed through his chest, spreading warmth and making his heart feel whole. He expected this was the kind of joy someone described when recalling times from their childhood - when the world could be viewed with rose-coloured glasses. Harry didn't have many of those of his own.

Now, it felt like he was looking right into the eyes of that very definition of happiness.

All because of her.

They had a future together. One he never pictured for himself. One that could include marriage and kids. His excitement over the idea didn't mean they would get hitched that day or start trying for kids. No, that was years away for them. But the very thought that someone else wanted those things with him was something he never expected.

There were lots of things that never made sense. His mind had been scrambled enough to forget the simplicity of having his own thought or making a decision based on choice.

However, Rory made it all simple. The idea of them together was simple. His feelings for her were simple. Their future together was simple.

And that simplicity was exactly why Harry knew he was in love with her.

"Harry?" a voice called out from downstairs. "Is she okay with pizza?"


Rory furrowed her brow. "Why is Kip asking-"

"Are you okay with pizza?" Receiving a nod of approval, Harry turned his head and yelled over his shoulder, "Yeah, it's fine!"

"Okay, good!"

As Harry turned his attention to the one sitting next to him, another shout from Kip forced an exasperated sigh to replace the words he meant to say.

"Dallas couldn't wait any longer, so he already ordered!" Kip shouted. "And it will be here soon!"

"Sounds good, buddy. We will be down in a few minutes!" His head remained turned over his shoulder, eyes focused on the bedroom door as he waited - wanting to ensure there would be no more interruptions. "Sorry about that," he told her quietly, returning his gaze once and for all.

"Buddy," she repeated, pressing her lips together to suppress a giggle.

"What's wrong with saying, buddy?"

"Nothing! You're just so adorable with him, that's all."

"I have to be careful with how I speak to Kip. He's not like Dallas or Colson."

Seeing how his voice softened when speaking about Kip warmed Rory's heart. "He's a sensitive boy."

"Yeah," he agreed, "All three of them are my brothers, but I can snap at the other two, knowing it will bounce right off them - but not Kip. He can actually make me feel bad. So, I try to be careful."

"Aw, protective of your baby brother."

"Well, there are only so many people in this world that can make me cautious of how I speak to them."

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