018. THE GAME // ROUND 002

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018. THE GAME // ROUND 002

Rory wished Harry would fire her so he would no longer be her boss

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Rory wished Harry would fire her so he would no longer be her boss.

She never thought such a thing would cross her mind. Yet here she was, silently begging him to do it. Maybe if she had played her own game smarter, she wouldn't have ended up on her knees in his bedroom. Or maybe, deep down, this was exactly how she wanted her game to end.

The thoughts of undeniable temptation started when she returned from seeing Gio, and Benny cracked a few jokes about how possessive Harry had gotten seeing her talk to another guy. She would have taken that as her sign to leave him behind in any other situation. But now, she noticed the way he looked at her. How his eyes followed her every movement, not bothering to look at anyone else who tried to get his attention - which surprised her, considering the venue was packed with attractive patrons. Rory noticed his firm grip around her waist, securing her to his side at every opportunity. 

It only worsened for the poor Bambi after they shared a line of special powder, a gift she had received from Gio when buying for Benny. 

Her skin burned with desire, and the only antidote that came to mind was him. 

"That shit is good," Harry commented, using the back of his hand to wipe the excess powder from the tip of his nose. "How much did that cost you?"

Rory bent at the waist, using the dollar bill to inhale the powder in one nostril while her finger blocked the other. "It was free," she said, tilting her head back and blinking her eyes. Fuck. This is some good shit.

"Free?" he repeated. "Is this another ex-boyfriend of yours I need to worry about, Bambi?"

"No," she sported an amused grin, "He's only a dealer."

"Are you sure? He seemed pretty into you."

She cocked her head to the side. "A lot of people are into me, Harry. That doesn't mean I've dated or slept with them all."

Her friend scoffed. "Not that he hasn't tried."

"Benny!" Rory yelled, jaw going slack from the unnecessary side comment.

He rubbed his nose. "What? It's true. If you spent one free night with him, we would get all the free coke we want. And I'm not making that up. I heard him say it once," Benny said before becoming distracted by a companion to his other side.

"That's quite the offer, Bambi," Harry whispered, leaning towards her. "Not up for one night of fun in exchange for free goods?"

"He's not my type. But you should know that already." She rested her hand against his chest. "Besides, you know I don't mix business with pleasure."

"And what a shame that is."

Looping her index finger around the chain that hung from his neck, she tugged him closer. "It really is... isn't it?"

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