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Rory was exhausted.

She couldn't remember the last time her entire body hurt so much after a weekend shift. At least she made it home just after midnight. For an extremely slow Sunday - well, now Monday - that was late. However, she had gotten used to leaving the bar at least two hours later than usual. And that was all thanks to their lack of staff showing up.

Rory hoped the owner would recognize that the dwindling numbers of employees directly correlated with the person recently promoted. She knew it was a lost cause, especially since he was too busy getting sucked off by said power-hungry blonde after hours.

With sluggish steps, Rory unlocked her front door, pushed it open and released a loud yawn as she stepped inside her apartment. The floor looked like a nice place to sleep for the night. What was the point of wasting extra steps walking to her bed when she could collapse right here and-

"Long day?"

Rory jumped at the voice, pressing her hand against her chest. "What the fuck are you doing?"

Harry, sprawled out on her couch, gave her a nonchalant shrug. "Watching the game. I got big money on this team tonight."

"I meant, what the fuck are you doing here in my apartment, Harry? How did you get in?"

"I climbed up the side of your building and got in through the balcony," he said with his attention on the television. With a glance to the side, he caught her confused expression and added, "I'm kidding, Bambi. I used your spare key. You know, hiding it under your charming 'fuck off' welcome mat is a terrible place to put it. Any criminal could easily find it - even the stupid ones."

"You broke into my apartment?"

"It's hardly considered breaking and entering when I found your spare key. It's not like I picked the lock." Harry looked over at her. "Oh, come on, Bambi. Don't tell me you're upset."

"I'm not," she told him, walking towards the couch.

It was an honest answer - there was no reason she could think of to be upset over something like that. The fact that he did something like that was flattering to her.

This was her version of a romantic gesture.

Rory collapsed on the couch beside him. "So, did you come to my place just to watch your game in peace?"

"Well, my first thought was to see you," he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. When she didn't turn her head, he gently squeezed her side to get her attention. "Hey."

"What?" Her eyes finally looked away from the game to meet his glance.

"Give me a kiss."

Those damn butterflies appeared again, fluttering enthusiastically as he pressed his lips to hers. She stayed close to him as the kiss broke, her eyes meeting his glance. God, she hated how his green eyes made her want to melt.

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