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Harry knew he had never been happier than he was at this moment - for once, he stopped thinking about the worst of everyone and everything and started to appreciate the little things life brought.

One of those things he fell asleep beside every night and woke up next to every morning. Without her even knowing it, Rory was teaching him how to find his own light within the darkness of his mind. She made him feel calm and at peace, a feeling he never wanted to let go of.

Tangled in the bedsheets, Rory traced the ink marks on his hand. "What are these lines for?" she asked, counting the marks on the inside of his wrist.

He shrugged. "I can't remember."

"You can't remember why you got thirteen tally marks tattooed on you?"

"Most of these came about after a night out. I was lucky if I spotted them the next morning. Some took a few weeks to find."

Rory shifted her position and straddled his waist. Her hands ran along the bare skin of his chest, continuing to trace more of the permanent designs on his skin. "Don't they hurt?"

"I've gotten used to the pain - I can't feel it anymore."

"What a bad boy," she teased.

"Well, we can't all be good girls like you and resist."

"Hey!" she whined, completely ignoring his use of her favourite nickname. "I have a tattoo." Rory turned her head to the side, brushing the hair away from behind her ear. "See!"

"What is that?"

She pouted. "It's a heart! Mia calls it a freckle, but don't listen to her! It's a heart!"

"That's a freckle."


Harry pulled her close. "A cute freckle."

The pout remained as he brushed her lips against hers. "It's a heart!"

"Okay, it's a heart," he whispered before stealing a kiss. "Whatever you say."

"It is whatever I say - that is always correct." Strumming her fingers against his chest, she added, "Maybe I should just get a giant tattoo on my forehead. Bet you would wish I just had the freckle then."

"If you want a giant tattoo on your forehead, go for it."

Rory raised a brow. "Oh yeah? What if it said I LOVE COCK in big giant letters?"

"If that makes you happy...."

"Oh, really?"


Narrowing her eyes, she continued to push, "There's no chance you would want to look at me with that tattooed on my forehead."

"Bambi, if you want to get I LOVE COCK tattooed on your forehead, who am I to judge?"

"Fine!" she snapped. "When I get that done, we'll see how wrong you are!"

Rolling his eyes, Harry flipped Rory onto her back and leaned over her. "You're adorable when you're stubborn. Did you know that?"

"What do you mean when I'm stubborn? I am always adorable!"

Moving his lips to her neck, he kissed down her skin. "Mm, fair point," he mumbled. "But, maybe you should go for something a bit smaller for your first tattoo-"

"Ugh! I have a tattoo!"

"You're so bratty this morning," he commented, kissing her collar bones. "What's wrong, hmm? Do you need more attention, baby?"

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