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make sure you're drinking lots of water & getting enough rest! 

taking care of yourself is important <3



"Mission report, Zero-Zero-One."

"Mission completed."


001 looked over with a blank stare and replied, "None."

"Good." Handler scribbled something down onto their clipboard. "Any external casualties?"


"Any issues to report?"

001 shook his head. "None."

Handler turned their attention to the screen. "Excellent. Another successful mission, Agent. V will be proud of you for helping us save the world once again." Stepping forward, Handler picked up a syringe. "Now, close your eyes, and this will be over within seconds, Zero-Zero-One...."




"Shit, come on, Harry, wake up! Harry? Harry?"

"Harry?" The voice calling out his name this time was far softer and angelic.

He turned his head. Everything remained dark. He couldn't see her face, but he knew that voice.

"Mom?" His voice cracked, uttering the word - sensing her warmth and the hint of vanilla overwhelming his senses always served as a painful reminder that she was gone.

The touch of her hand went to his forehead, brushing away the hair from his face. "It's okay, my little love," she whispered. "You're okay."

"I don't feel okay."

"You are," she affirmed, "You know that you are... don't doubt your strength. You must be strong, just like you told Rory to be."

"Is she okay?"

"She'll be better when you go back." Her touch remained on his cheek, allowing him to feel her warmth. "Do you remember what I always told you?" When he failed to respond, she said, "You, my little superhero, are going to save the world someday. But you can't do that if you don't go back... okay?"

Harry nodded. "Okay. I'll go back."

"Turn that fucking music off!"

"I'm trying! I can't find where it's coming from! Wait, hold on. Let me try this."

A gun fired. Once. Twice. Three times. The sounds of empty case shells fell to the ground, metal clinking against the wooden floors.

"Are you fucking stupid? She's already freaked out enough. Now she's going to think we shot him!"

"Well, the music stopped. Pick your battles here, Colty."

"Yeah, well, when we get outside, and she starts crying again, you're going to be at fault. I hope Rory punches you in the-"

"Rory," Harry mumbled.

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