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If there was one thing Rory loved about her job, it was how easy it was to get tips

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If there was one thing Rory loved about her job, it was how easy it was to get tips.

All it took was showing a little cleavage, flashing a smile, and giggling at an (unfunny) attempt at humour; men were putty in her hands.

God, she got quite the rush when she picked up the check and saw her tip.

Her eyes glanced to the side, watching Harry make his way down the from the second floor. She averted her gaze back to the customer in front of her, not wanting to get caught staring for long. In her defence, it was hard not to stare. He was hot - extremely hot. And he was all hers.

No one knew what the two got up to behind closed doors. And that level of secrecy was quite the turn-on. During work, they both did their jobs and kept up the act of despising each other. But once the night was over, the two were inseparable. She liked their secret life. Her favourite part was knowing what he did that only someone on an intimate level would know. Like how he hummed songs when he cooked - his go-to being Jolene by Dolly Parton.

"I need to speak with you."

Rory turned her head to the side in disbelief over Harry's rough tone. "I'm with a customer," she said, gesturing to the man on the other side of the bar. "Can this wait?"

Ignoring her comment, Harry waved over another bartender and turned to the balding man. "Tim will handle your order." His eyes fell back to Rory. "Now, Rory."

With a loud, frustrated sigh, Rory followed Harry's lead to the storage room. The last thing she wanted was to cause a scene and miss out on even more tips for the night. She had been working that old guy since the minute he walked into the bar, and now Tim - ugh, Tim - was going to take all of her earnings.

The second the door slammed shut, Rory narrowed her eyes at the devil standing before her. "What the fuck is wrong with you? This is my job, Harry. You can't just-" She fell silent, noticing the goofy grin spreading across his lips. "Is this seriously funny to you? Because the whole jealousy thing will not fly with me."

"Bambi. I'm not jealous."

"Then what the fuck was all of that?"

Harry stepped forward, cupping her face in his hands. "Keeping up appearances. I have to leave for work in fifteen minutes - I can't see you tonight."

"But you are at work."

"You know what I mean."

No, I fucking don't because you don't tell me shit about your life outside of this bar. "Right. I do," she said. "So you're not jealous I was flirting with a guy?"

"Of course not. I know it's business. I just wanted some alone time with my girl before I have to go."

My girl.

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