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Rory had never felt so confused by a kiss in her life.

It was soft and delicate - the complete opposite of the rough and passionate way she had become accustomed to with him.

Harry's action angered her all because she didn't understand it. Why did he kiss her? Was there a goal he was trying to achieve? Was he trying to piss her off or did it mean something else?

Pressing her hand against his chest, Rory broke the kiss and created a slight, but much needed,  distance between the two. His hand placement on the small of her back prevented her from getting too far away from him.

There was a slight feeling of loss without his touch - her lips still felt the weight of his even after they disappeared. 

Something fluttered inside her stomach. 

She hated this. Every moment of it. 

Harry wasn't supposed to make her feel this way - no one was.

"Drink?" Harry announced to the group, moving his attention to the bottles on the table.

Rory didn't need to look at her friends to know the expression on their faces. They were just as confused and shocked by the recent events as she was. As a drink was placed in her hand and her body was guided down onto the couch, it took Rory a solid minute to realize the four of them were now having a conversation.

Harry was making conversation with her friends. With his arm around her. He kissed her, and now, he was making conversation with her friends while his arm was around her.

What the fuck is going on? Is this my lesson? The voice inside Rory's head screamed. Is my lesson to make me so fucking uncomfortable I can't even function normally?

"Hey," Mia's voice pulled her out of her thoughts. "You okay?"

Taking a sip from her glass, Rory nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah. I'm good."

Snap out of it, the voice returned. This is probably what he fucking wants you to be like.

Draining the remaining liquid from her glass, she leaned back against his chest, knowing her only way of survival was to play along. And part of playing along meant Rory had to focus back on the conversation they were having. From the few soundbites she picked up, it was how the three friends met. An extremely original and not at all cliche conversation starter.

"Isn't that sweet," Harry's voice cooed from beside her, "I guess that means we all met Rory at the bar."

"Small world," she added, trying to ignore the way the tips of his fingers danced along her shoulder.

Mia swirled her straw around her glass. "Harry, how tall are you?"

"You don't have to answer that," Rory was quick to tell him, knowing her friends were only trying to settle their bet from earlier in the night.

"It's alright." Harry directed his attention to her friends. "Six-four."

As more drinks made their way around, Rory picked up on three things. One, it was far easier to put up with Harry the more she drank. Two, Harry was good at pretending to be this type of guy - the one that was interested in speaking with and learning about her friends. And three, Harry continued to nurse the same beverage the entire time. In fact, she had barely seen him take a sip.

He was staying sober. That was unusual for him.

"Who are all these other people?" Rory asked, looking at the nameless faces that now occupied their space.

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