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Harry always enjoyed being alone.

It was peaceful, a place to relax without suffering from distractions. He could think more clearly, see things differently and strategize his next move with an open mind. Being alone was where he did his best work.

Recently, it didn't feel that way.

Everything felt a tad lonelier and darker. His relaxation was replaced with tension that he couldn't understand; a dull pain constantly lingered in his head. And it stayed no matter how many drinks he consumed to make it go away. He tried to convince himself otherwise, but there was one thing he knew could make it better.


Every night, Harry stood in his spot on the second floor - the one that provided a complete view of the establishment - and waited. Patience was never his strong suit, but he learned to adapt the past few nights. He waited for her to walk in and start her shift, but she never showed.

It wasn't like he expected her to show up to work - she made it evident that she wanted nothing to do with him anymore. Deep down, he hoped she would. Harry was already doing everything he could to stop himself from showing up at her apartment or Sal's. All he needed was a glimpse of her to feel better; at least, that's what he told himself.

"Just wanted to let you know that Kip finished checking the locket. It's clean. She didn't go into it or make any copies."

Harry refilled his glass. "Great," he muttered.

"Why do you think she gave it back?"

"Don't know," he lied.

Colson ran his finger across the engravement. "Do you think she saw the photo of Juliet?"

Harry reached for the bottle, draining his glass at the mention of the name. "I don't know, Colson. Alright?"

"Rory was one girl, Haz. Don't get yourself all bent out of shape over her."

"I'm not. She was good for business. That's all."

Colson was unconvinced by the answer but knew better than to push on this type of subject. "Kip finished the security in the basement. Do you want me to put it in the safe?"

"Sure," he said, looking back down at his task.

"Can I ask you something?"

Harry hummed a yes, without actually responding with the word itself.

"Why is she still alive?"

"Because we haven't killed her."

Colson took a step towards the desk. "That's what I mean. If we have the locket back, what the fuck is she still doing alive?"

"Because despite what we led her to believe, we don't kill innocent people," he said, before dropping his voice to add in a whisper, "Anymore - that is."

A week hadn't yet passed since the incident with Rory, and already, he found himself struggling. So, Harry distracted himself the best way he knew how - by working. It wasn't hard to find a task that needed to be done, considering a prominent issue was at hand. Maybe that was why he found such comfort with Rory - she was an escape from the hell he faced. Their business was going to shit, and it didn't help that he preferred spending time with her to finding a solution. Now, there was nothing else left for him to do but that.

"I was surprised when your associate reached out. But I must admit, I can't understand why we haven't gone into business together sooner."

Harry handed the man a glass filled with amber liquid. "Recently, we have decided to go in a new direction with our business associates. No better time than to establish something."

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