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happy 1 year to killshot! (lets just all ignore that I'm 1 day late on this OK pretends its still april 1st)

also, ps just a reminder that harry is 6'4 ok lol anyway ENJOY



Harry had never left a room so fast in his twenty-seven years of living

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Harry had never left a room so fast in his twenty-seven years of living.

The voices from behind called him back, telling him to think things through. But he couldn't think - there was no time for that. Time was fleeting, and Harry had to find her.

The only thing on his mind was finding Rory.

Handler had been fucking with his head all day, torturing him with memories from the past she had to know he couldn't remember. All with the intention of - well, Harry still didn't know what for. But he assumed the goal of ruining his night for her pure twisted enjoyment was high on the list of possibilities.

So whether or not her final text was just to continue toying with him or a threat to safety, Harry didn't care. He couldn't afford to stop to think and waste precious time that could save her life. Harry just had to act.

"Harry!" Dallas's voice boomed, grabbing Harry's arm as they neared the end of the hallway.

With a disgruntled sigh of annoyance, Harry quickly turned around. "I don't have time to think of a plan, Dallas. So-"

"I know." Reaching behind his back, Dallas pulled out a weapon. "Take it. I have a spare. I brought it for you just in case."

Securing the gun into the waistband of his pants, Harry couldn't help but think about the remarks Rory would make over it being a terrible place to keep a weapon. God - he even thinking about her smart mouth remarks pained his chest. He needed to find her.

With loud, heavy breaths from running, Kip finally caught up with the two others. "Rory-" Kip started, "I know-" his voice trailed off, sucking in a harsh breath, "where-" Falling silent, the front half of his body hunched over, resting a hand on his knee for support.

"Kip, buddy, I say this out of love." Dallas patted him on the back. "But you better finish that sentence before Harry goes psycho mode."

Straightening his posture, Kip finally regained control of his wild breathing to form (somewhat of) a proper sentence. "I hacked the cameras as soon as we got in," typical, "and after being outside with Colson, Rory was by the dance floor."

"Are you sure?" Dallas asked.

"Positive. I've been tracking everyone's movements just to be safe," they knew he was just bored being at a club, "from the second we got in here. She was by the dance floor just a few minutes ago."

Harry immediately stepped toward the balcony and surveyed the crowd. He should have been relieved when he laid his eyes on her, spotting her in the center of the dance floor. But his face fell, noticing she wasn't alone.

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