055. KS-001

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AN (oct 30); crazy how fast this book is growing! thank you soso much for 25k! 

also, tomorrow is oct 31st. aka halloween (also known as harryween). but more importantly, its rory's birthday. the book timeline isnt quite there yet so she'll be celebrating later on. but in real life, make sure you have a cherry lolipop in her honour.

twitter - normiesandwich & tiktok - normalsandwich69


055. KS-001

...11:51.15... 11:51.14... 11:51.13... 11:51.12...

Rory stared at the red letters on the computer screen, frightened like a Bambi caught in the headlights, unable to look away.

Her name was listed as an ERROR. Did that mean the person behind this didn't know if she was alive? Was she still at risk? Is that why she couldn't go home? Because they would come back and finish the job?

Sweat pooled on the back of her neck.

Her heart raced in her chest.

The airways of her throat suddenly became more restricted - every passing second left her feeling like she was quickly running less and less out of air.

With her mouth running dry, Rory tried to focus on anything other than the screen. But it was impossible, especially when no one else would speak up.

This all has to be a joke, she tried to convince herself.

At any moment, the four boys would burst with laughter, claiming it all to be one giant ruse. Hidden cameras would be pointed out. The walls of the room they were currently in would collapse and reveal a set. An audience would erupt with laughter and cheers.

This isn't reality. It all has to be a fucking joke.

But as the clock continued to count down, the terrifying truth pressed into her mind - this was far from a joke. This was reality.

And while everyone else had their status as ALIVE, she was an ERROR.


"How did you know?"

Rory turned her head, overhearing Dallas ask Kip a question.

"The message just made everything click," Kip replied, eyes remaining focused on the screen. "I treated the code like coordinates, but they were missing links. And-and there were patterns, all in the shape of X's that..." his voice trailed off, falling silent. "But... I don't know what this means."

"It's okay. First, we need to figure out who left that note."

"The night nurse is the only one that went in her room."

Colson made his way to the door, cell phone in hand. "I'm calling Stefano."

While everyone had resumed some level of normalcy and continued business as usual, Rory was still secured to the chair, forced to watch. As more questions swarmed her head, she felt far more confused than ever. And knowing she would never get any answers left her in a state of mental torture. Especially when they all acted like she wasn't even there.

"Stefano found her," Colson announced as he returned to the room. "The night nurse."


"Dead. Shot herself."

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