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"This is, like, a date then? You're actually on a date?"

Rory squirmed in her seat over Benny's question. "Yes," she hissed back. "Now would you stop asking that?"

"Sorry! I'm just shocked. You keep trying to convince us that he's some asshole on our night out - even though you made out with him, like, a hundred times - and now I catch you two walking home and giggling after a romantic dinner!"

"It wasn't romantic."

"But you were giggling. Please don't tell me you're going to tell me you're in love tomorrow or something."

Her jaw went slack. "Benny!" she cried, playfully shoving his shoulder. "What the fuck! Don't put that out into the universe!"

"You're on a date without trying to con a guy. Anything can happen, Roro."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Just, please, don't be weird. He's my boss now. I can't ditch this one. I will still have to see him even if this night goes horribly wrong."

"Shit. I didn't even think about that!" Benny burst into a fit of laughter. "You're going to fuck your boss!"

"No, I'm not! He knows my rule!"

"Yeah, okay, sure. Like that's going to stop anything," he snickered. "Ten bucks says you guys fuck tonight."

Rory extended her hand. "Deal." She shook his hand. "Easiest ten bucks I'll ever make."

"Careful now, Roro. Don't jinx yourself."

Opening her mouth to reply with a snippy comment, she was silenced by Harry's return. At least he brought drinks. She needed alcohol after that conversation.

"Did I miss anything good?" Harry asked as he took a seat.

"No," she was quick to respond, forcing a smile. "Just catching up a bit."

Spotting the way Harry casually draped his over over Rory's shoulders caused a goofy grin to spread across Benny's face. "Yeah, I heard all about your night." His amusement increased as Rory's eyes narrowed at him. "Did you enjoy yourself, Harry?"

"I did." Harry took a sip of his drink, surprised that his answer was honest. "I'm hoping it will be the first of many."

If Rory didn't think Harry was lying and pulling an act in front of her friend, her cheeks would have reddened from his comment. But she already let her guard down one too many times tonight. Plus, the thought of exposing such a thing in front of Benny - who was enjoying his torturous teasing far too much - was enough to force the reaction away.

"You know," Benny gestured to the two of them from across the table, "You two would make a very cute couple."

"Are you not working tonight?" Rory suddenly asked, hopeful to steer the conversation far away from talks of their dinner, "Shouldn't you be doing your job or something?"

Benny shook his head. "Night off. Here for pleasure."

"Oh! Well, then who are we planning on pleasuring tonight?"

"Ethan. He's..." Benny looked over his shoulder, towards the crowd. "Wait. I have no idea where he went. But he's one of the guys working on the bar tonight."

"Wait, what happened to Lisa?"

"It fizzled."

"Weren't you just with her last night?"

"Yeah! That's when it fizzled!" Benny's eyes roamed the small crowd once more. "Ah, there he is! Excuse me, love birds. I'll be right back!"

Rory drained the rest of her drink and licked the remaining taste off her lips. "Sorry about him," she said once they were alone. "He gets a kick out of teasing me like I'm his little sister."

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