069. PRESENT // PART 001

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069. PRESENT // PART 001


"Are you princesses going to help me?"

Harry rolled his eyes, not bothering to utter a response. His attention remained on the plans laid out on the hood of the car, scanning over the information he had spent the past three days ignoring. It wasn't that he intended or wanted to disregard the pending mission – there were bigger, far more pressing things that required his attention.

Rory took precedent, no matter what. The mission wouldn't change that.

"Get the van, Dallas... make sure it's prepared, Dallas...." the man bitterly sneered under his breath, "Lift the dead body, all by yourself, Dallas...."

Without looking over his shoulder, Harry asked, "Are you trying to tell us you suddenly aren't strong enough?"

"Hey, I'm strong enough!"

"Doesn't sound like it from all the complaining," Colson chimed in.

As Dallas fell into silence, getting back to his task, Harry's sole focus returned to the plans. "Do you think we're on the right track?"

"It's hard to say. However, this is our best starting point." Colson crossed his arms over his chest. "The files from Handler tell us that MalCorp hosts an annual party to unveil plans for the next year. The guest lists include the highest of the one percent, the most twisted individuals ready to invest in a MalCorp project... and it's hosted at the private residence of Viktor himself."

"An exclusive party hosted by the most reclusive man...." Harry mumbled, eyeing the surveillance photo of the Malkovich estate. "It makes sense the key is there," he said, "If Viktor represents the pillar of innovation, there has to be a connection to this party."

"Plus, the timeline matches." Colson pulled out another page from Handler's file. "A party was hosted just days after you killed that William kid to get information about Viktor."

Bottom lip pinched between his index finger and thumb, Harry asked, "How are we getting in?"

"Besides finding the damn key, getting on the guest list is our main obstacle. Stefano's connections can't get us on that list. However, they can get us into a private poker night that has some party-goers in attendance. We're working on crafting the perfect billionaire profile to impress them and get on that list."

"And you think that will be enough to get us in?"

"It's worth a shot. Besides, most of these guys don't care what you have to say as long as you have a bank account figure large enough to back it up," Colson said. "And if it doesn't work, there's enough time between the game and the party to create another plan. But we at least need to gain face time in front of these people."

"When's the poker game?"

"End of next week."

Harry nodded, tracing the tattoo inked into his ring finger with his opposite hand. "Good. Gives us enough time to prepare." A beat of silence passed before Harry broke the quiet moment, dropping his voice to whisper, "Thank you, by the way," he said, "For what you did in the car to help Rory."

"You don't need to thank me for that."

"I do. Look, I know something has been off between us, but-"

Not one that enjoyed any discussion around feelings, Colson waved his hand dismissively. "We don't need to have a therapy session over this. As much as I don't care for her, I know she's important to you and if that means I have to help stitch her up or perform CPR on her in the back of a car, so be it."

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