017. THE GAME // ROUND 001

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017. THE GAME // ROUND 001

"Hello?" Paired with an annoyed tone, Rory snapped her fingers in front of his face

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"Hello?" Paired with an annoyed tone, Rory snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Did you even hear me?"

"No," Harry replied, allowing his eyes to roam over her dress.

It wasn't Harry's fault he became distracted. The tiny piece of fabric Rory called a dress pulled his attention when she walked out at eleven o'clock sharp. Harry had never leered at someone's choice of clothing before, but he couldn't help himself; it fit her like a second skin.

"I asked if your gun was on you. You can't bring that shit to the place we are going tonight."

"I don't bring my gun out on date night, Bambi."

Rory laughed, assuming he was joking. "Seriously, Harry. Do you have it on you?"

"I told you I don't. Would it make you feel better if you searched me?" He grabbed the material of his shirt and pulled it up to expose his torso. "I don't mind. In fact, I think I would quite enjoy it."

"Yeah, probably too much," she muttered, checking the time. "We should get going."

Harry waved down a cab, which they only took due to him agreeing to pay for it. After she gave the address to the driver, she leaned back into her seat, resting against Harry's side. He liked having her close. Not to speak with, of course. But because having her nearby meant his senses became filled with her intoxicating scent of vanilla.


The sound of her voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"What?" Harry repeated.

"You were staring at me."

"No, I wasn't."

She scoffed. "Yes, you were."

"No, I wasn't. Stop sounding so arrogant, Bambi. It's not a good look for you."

There was a pause of silence. Resting his arm over her shoulder, Harry shifted his gaze to the window. Rory studied his stoic expression briefly before turning her head to the side, watching his index finger trace circles on her skin. His touch caused a shiver to creep up her spine - she had to force her eyes away. The last thing she needed was to get lost in her thoughts by how the lightest touch made her feel.

"Where were you all week?"

Without tearing his eyes away from the passing view, he answered with a short, "Working."

"On what?"

"On things for work."

"You couldn't work from your office?"

Harry turned his head. "Such a curious thing you are tonight. What's with all the questions? Did you miss me, Bambi?"

"No," she replied, almost too quickly, "I work much better without you around."

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