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The last thing Rory wanted to do was put on something nice and tight for Harry's pleasure.

She had contemplated showing up in sweatpants and a sweater, no make-up, and her hair in a messy bun just to make a statement. But she knew that would lead to non-stop questions and pestering over her choice of attire from Benny and Mia.

There was only so much Rory was willing to put up with tonight.

And so, she decided to suck it up and put on her shortest, tightest strapless dress and tossed on a pair of heels. After Mia's helpful suggestion, she decided on a winged eye make-up look and coated her lips with a shin of gloss.

"Hot," Mia commented the moment Rory walked into the room. Moving behind her, Mia ran her fingers through Rory's hair to loosen the curls into soft waves. "Whoever this Harry guy is will be on his knees the moment he sees you."

"It's not like that."

Benny rolled his eyes. "Please, Amber wouldn't shut up about how you stole him from her. Obviously, it's something like that."

"And what guy goes out of his way to randomly invite someone and all her friends out for free bottle service? News flash, Rory. You've got another one smitten!" Mia walked over to her kitchen counter and poured the concoction she had come up with for the night into three cups. "Is he hot?"


"Very!" Benny interjected.

"How the fuck do you know?" Rory questioned. "You weren't even working that night!"

"I checked the cameras!" Benny took a sip from his cup. "Oh, don't give me that look, Rory. You were barely spilling any details and Amber wouldn't shut up so I took a look! You should be lucky the cameras in the back stopped working again, otherwise, I would've seen you two fucking!"

Rory swatted his chest with the back of her hand. "You're such a perv."

"Oh my god!" The dark red-haired girl was giddy over the new information. "What does he look like?"

"Please stop!" Rory cried out, shielding her face.

"Okay, definitely over six feet. Maybe like six-two, six-three. Muscles, but not like, scary gym bro. More like well defined and you know, definitely works out," Benny explained. "Tattoos. Definitely down at least one arm... Chiselled jaw... Oh and the best part. Wait for it," he paused for dramatic effect. "Long hair."

Mia's eyes widened. "Shut up!" she squealed, turning to Rory. "Long hair? Long fucking hair? Are you joking? You didn't tell me?"

Ignoring her friend's yelling over his hair length, Rory reached right for the bottle of hard liquor and unscrewed the top. 

This was going to be a long fucking night.

After finally being able to calm down Mia and Benny, Rory made a few things very clear to her friends. Although the two had sex during her work shift and he invited them to his club for free, she had no idea what any of it meant.

She played up the "woe is me, I don't know what's going on between us so please don't embarrass me," crap... and avoided all mentions of how they technically met by her stealing from him, expressing his desire to kill her after finishing inside her, having his goons stalk her all week, threatening her before and after inviting them all out for the night, and his demands for them to show up at a very specific time. And, how she had been sexually frustrated all afternoon from him denying her a very needed orgasm in his office earlier.

Rory and Harry. The definition of a romance for the ages.

What a load of crap.

"Would you hurry up?"

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