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Rory never imagined she would be carried bridal style by someone

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Rory never imagined she would be carried bridal style by someone.

There was a first for everything. 

She just had to be covered in blood for it to happen.

It wasn't as romantic as she expected. Whenever she watched this happening in movies during a scene between the two love interests, it was some overly romantic gesture. The one carried would squeal and be tossed onto the bed, giggling and laughing with the one holding them the entire time. 

Those characters made it seem like a gesture that you would want to happen.

But Rory just felt like a giant baby in Harry's arms.

"Let's get her clean first - make sure we get all the excess dirt off. You should probably help her."

Harry walked through the kitchen to the back of the house, stopping in front of a door. "As in, go in with her?"

Colson nodded. "Yeah, I mean. It's nothing you haven't seen before, right?"

"Right. But she's seeing someone else."

"I can stand-"


"So, we're not together."

"I can do it-"

"I'm not following," Colson said.

Harry released an annoyed sigh. "I don't think it would be appropriate for me to see her that way, considering-"

"Would you two stop talking like I'm not fucking here and put me down?" Rory yelled.

The two men looked at her as if realizing just now that she was in the room. She would have thought Harry would have at least remembered, considering he was holding her in his arms. Maybe he was so strong that she barely weighed a thing to him. Or, perhaps he was used to cradling someone like a bag of potatoes.

Either way, she felt invisible. With her body covered in blood and dirt, Rory didn't appreciate the discussion over how much help she needed was happening without her.

Ugh, men, the voice in her head sneered.

"Oh shit, yeah." Harry cautiously lowered her to the ground and kept his arm around her waist as she stood upright. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she muttered, walking into the bathroom.

Her steps suddenly stopped, catching sight of herself in the mirror. It was the first time she saw what Tanner had done to her. Blood covered her face, a mix of old and dried, new and smeared. Her bottom lip was split and swollen, her skin covered with gashes and scratch marks. To sum it up, she looked horrendous. She had no idea how Harry could keep up a conversation with her - she couldn't look at her reflection for long before needing to look away.

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