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"What the fuck, Harry?!" Colson yelled, storming into the room. "A car fucking exploded, and you didn't call me?"

This was the last thing he wanted to deal with tonight.

Hours had passed since the car burst into flames, burning the three (already dead) bodies inside and everything else that car possessed. Everything about tonight was a trap. A trap he almost fell for. A trap that could have cost Harry and Dallas their lives had they continued searching for thirty seconds longer.

"So this is where we are now? You're icing me out?"

Rolling his eyes, Harry brushed past him and walked over to the mirror hanging on the far wall. "Are you seriously upset that you missed out on dying tonight?" he sneered. Raising the tweezers to his brow, Harry pulled a shard of glass out of his skin. "Get a fucking grip."

"That's not what this is about, and you know it!" Colson continued, going red in the face. "You keep this up, and we will end up right back to where we were before the Romano deal! Which, by the fucking way, was your own mistakes and incompetence that left us in that desperate spot to begin with!"

Harry slowly turned around. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

Stalking forward, he pointed his index finger at Colson. "You better watch your fucking mouth!"

Dallas reached out, grabbing hold of Harry's arm before he could take another step. "Woah, hold on there, Boss. Let's just take a deep breath before we do something we'll regret and-"

"Or what? You'll fire me, Boss?" Colson crossed his arms over his chest, shaking his head with a scoff. "Last time I fucking checked, we were all partners in this. Dallas and Kip might still be under some control to be your lap dogs-"

"Hey!" Dallas whined.

"But that's not what any of us signed up for! You said you wanted us to go straight! You said you had a plan. We didn't do Dallas's jewellery store hit because you didn't want to. You. Not us. You!"

"I know that!" Harry yelled, attempting to pull his arm out of Dallas's grasp.

"Do you? Because it doesn't fucking seem like that! Just because I didn't go through the program like you guys doesn't mean you can treat me differently."

"You lied-"

"Dallas lies all the fucking time!"


"No, he doesn't."

Colson cocked his head to the side. "Oh really? Why don't you ask him where he was the day you and I had to verify that lead on the arms dealer? Cause I'll bet you a million dollars, he wasn't in the house the entire time, leaving Rory to find something she shouldn't have."

"COLSON!" Dallas cried out, "Shutthefuckup!"

Turning to the side, Harry narrowed his eyes at the man beside him, slapping the ice pack out of his hand. "Rory found something she shouldn't have?"

"What? Of course not!" Dallas replied, letting out a nervous chuckle. "This guy is crazy!"

With a sneer of disbelief, Harry turned back to the mirror and resumed his task of removing the shards of glass out of his skin. A tiny fragment was stuck. Harry winced as the tweezers slipped, stabbing the tender flesh.

From the corner of his eye, Colson watched his friend struggle. He let out a sigh and sauntered over. "Let me do it."

"I don't need your fucking help."

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