069. PRESENT // PART 003

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hi :) just wanted to say thank you for being here and i appreciate you guys so much. hope you enjoy the update xo

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069. PRESENT // PART 003

Don't forget the camera

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Don't forget the camera.

"Holy shit," was all Harry could manage to reply in a breathless whisper.

Never did such a simple request make his mouth run dry yet cause his palms to sweat instantly. He tried to keep his mind from running off in every direction over what Rory wanted the camera for. Even venturing down one path left him weak in the knees. Harry would have enforced more self-control in any other situation, given the likely outcome was that she wanted to take pictures of something innocent, like the room.

But that devious smirk and evident desire in her eyes sent his mind down a path he couldn't control.


The man in question blinked. "Huh?"

"Get the camera and hurry upstairs."

Her words no longer served as a light-hearted request – it was an order. Not wanting to risk missing out on his dessert, Harry hurried off to locate the camera, nearly tripping over himself a handful of times. With the camera spotted on the kitchen counter, Harry silently prayed it didn't slip out from his sweaty hands onto the ground. Harry certainly prayed his own feet didn't give out from under him while he climbed up the stairs, hand gripping the railing for dear life.

A shaky, excited breath released from his mouth once the landing was safely reached.

The bedroom door was slightly ajar, and an evident glow peaked through the crack. But nothing could have prepared the long-haired Devil for the sight on the other side.

There she was, standing at the end of the bed near the large standing mirror. Candles were lit in the fireplace, creating a glowing halo around her body. A few more light sources were scattered around the room, illuminating the space further. And combined with a familiar scent of vanilla wafting through the air, it created a perfect ambiance.

A silk, light pink robe covered her body. The loose tie around her waist caused the matching coloured garments covering her breasts to poke through ever so slightly—an intentional styling choice by the vixen. Her hair was braided into two pigtails, secured with a ribbon on either end. It was still undecided whether the pigtails would be pulled on or the ribbon would be used to tie one of them up.

It wasn't the candles, vanilla, or picturing the scraps of lace underneath the robe that stole his attention. It was her.

A hint of a smirk crossed her lips, soaking in the purely silent moment. Rory loved finding the traces of absolute control she had over him, where he was entirely hers. It wasn't always in the bedroom; she knew there were other evident moments, like when he bought however many books she wanted.

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