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The beautiful view in front of his parked car should have relaxed Harry

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The beautiful view in front of his parked car should have relaxed Harry.

The moon reflected on the water, illuminating the breathtaking bridge that connected one side of the city to the other with its glow. It was a magnificent thing to see at night. Without the sounds of the busy street traffic and honking car horns, one could easily take in the sights and appreciate the city for what it was. Harry always enjoyed escaping to places like this whenever he was overwhelmed or wanted a moment of peace.

However, tonight was far from one of those moments. There was no time to take in the sights or watch the boats pass throughout the night. Only a few seconds of serenity remained before everything would start.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?"


Harry wanted to be honest, but he had no other choice. The three of them had no other choice. Time was running out, and there were too many things on the line to play around any longer. It was hard to admit he had lost his edge. Within an instant, everything they had worked towards was spiralling. And keeping the business as clean as possible was no longer an option.

"We still have time," Colson assured him as if reading his friend's mind. "It's not as bad as you think it is."

Harry strummed his fingers against the steering wheel. "I won't let us go under on my account. Besides, maybe all they'll want is to get involved with the club."

Much like Colson, Harry doubted his words. Based on their last conversation, Harry knew Gio had an inkling of his past and had a feeling it would be part of the deal. But Harry forced himself to keep an open mind - mainly since the Romano's were their only current lead.

"Three o'clock," Dallas announced from the passenger seat in the other vehicle, nodding towards the figure standing by the door. "Let's find out what Money Bags has to say."

Kip rolled down the window in the back seat and looked across at Harry. "What am I going to do?" Kip squeaked from his spot.

"Stay here."

Colson tossed him a bottle of water. "And don't die."

Harry got out of his car and straightened his jacket. He always preferred driving alone - it gave him the time he desperately needed before going in. But now, that didn't work for him anymore. Only one thing gave him peace and serenity, and she was working at the bar right now.

As Dallas and Colson exited the car parked directly next to his, Harry did his best to remain calm. Nerves weren't a normal feeling for him, but something told him that tonight wouldn't be like any other meeting. Stepping into a crime family's place of business was nothing to fool around about. However, Harry felt like it was time for this type of partnership. Not just for the business side of things but also for protection. They didn't know who was out there or what they knew. But Harry worried soon enough that they would make their appearance.

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