070. ELEANORA // PART 003

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mentioned this on twitter but im adding in stuff i previously excluded back when i thought it was smart to post a 50K chapter. so you actually get MORE of the doctor khan x romano story now!

this is part 3/4. like i said, yall are getting the full story!

keep an eye out for those easter eggs!

also apologies if there are any mistakes I've been up since 4AM lmao


070. ELEANORA // PART 003


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"Stefano," was all he uttered.

Looking at the man who just entered her apartment, Ellie tilted her head slightly to the side, brows furrowing over the remark. "What?"

"Two years ago, a fascinating woman asked for a promise to be made – that if the unknown man ever decided to give in, he would tell her his real name."

Ellie blinked, trying to comprehend that the events unfolding in front of her were actually happening. "I remember," she finally answered.

"Stefano – that's the name of the man who has thought of nothing but you for the past two years. The man who made every excuse to see you, to be around you, to hear you laugh and see you smile. That is the man who is undeniably in love with you, Nora." He stepped towards her. "I'm sorry if it is wrong to say, but I cannot allow another day to go by without telling you the truth. It's physically pained me long enough to push my feelings down and stand aside. I pride myself on never lying, yet all I've done is lie about my feelings for you."

S swallowed, trying to slyly wipe his sweat-slicken palms down the sides of his pants. "Stefano is the name of the man in love with Nora."

"N-no," she began to stutter.

"Yes," he insisted.

"Not Nora," her shaky voice managed. "Ellie – well, Eleanora, but I like going by Ellie." Clearing her throat, attempting to rid herself of the nerves that rattled her core, she said, "Ellie is the name of the woman he's in love with."

"Ellie," he repeated, a smile widening over the name that left his lips, "It's very nice to meet you, Ellie."

"It's nice to meet you too, Stefano."

A hand from the man Ellie now knew as Stefano caressed her face, brushing away the loose strands of hair. "I am in love with you, Ellie. From the day I met you, to now, to all the way in the far-off future, I will continue burning with love for you and only you."

"Do you really love me?" she asked as if needing clarification.

"Then, now, and forever, El."

"I love you too."

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