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Rory hated her job.

It used to be something she looked forward to. And now, it was the worst part of her day.

She used to enjoy getting long shifts. And now, her feet and back ached with the worst pain.

When serving customers, Rory could make a shit ton of money off tips by flirting her way from table to table. However, when Amber accepted her Assistant Manager role, Rory was kept in the back taking inventory or scrubbing the toilets in the bathroom.

Rory thought countless times about quitting whenever she received a task no other servers got. But the last thing she wanted was to give up to a power-hungry bottled blonde who only got her role by spending time on her knees after hours.

"I'm telling you," Benny said as they stepped outside, "You would make some serious money if you promoted with me. I'm serious, Rory. Let's finally ditch this place."

Fishing through her purse for her carton of cigarettes, she sighed. "If you and Mia go, there's no chance I'm staying. But I'm still hoping that Amber will put me on the schedule. Hopefully, there will only be one more week of her torture."

Benny lit up the end of her cigarette. "I'll loop back to this in one week then!"

Benny had been trying to get her to work with him for a while. It was the perfect time for him to snatch her away - considering she was barely making a living wage without her tips. But Rory liked the bar. It was less hectic and more relaxed. She didn't have to worry about flashing lights or overly packed dance floors. When she was fucked out of her mind, she could handle it but being sober made her uneasy.

The two talked about random topics as they walked down the alley, finishing their smoke. Rory could always count on Benny to take her mind off things - even when he didn't know it. If there were two people she trusted in this world, it was Benny and Mia. But that didn't stop her from being protective of what she shared.

If there was any bright side to the recent events, she was at least glad she hadn't yet told her friends that Harry asked her to be his girlfriend - considering they barely lasted a half week as an official couple. What she did tell them was that they were finished.

"He did something I can't forgive."

They assumed she referred to Harry cheating or sleeping with someone else, and Rory didn't say anything to make them think otherwise.

She wasn't as distraught over the break-up as she thought. But maybe that was because they had only been officially dating for a few days, and she hadn't even told her friends. In the back of her mind, she thought the end was inevitable anyway. Maybe her restraint to let her guard down prepared her for the sudden end instead.

Just when she thought some peace would finally come her way, Benny nudged her side and nodded forward. "Isn't that..."

Rory followed his glance and her heart sank the moment she spotted him.

"Are you two talking again?"

She shook her head. "Nope. Maybe he's here for someone else."

"Fingers crossed it's not Amber."

Rory smiled at his joke, but deep down, she feared it might be true. Getting back at her by dating her enemy was a perfect way to get back at her. An easy, obvious, and cliche way. But still a way nonetheless.

"You think if I make a break for it, I could get away?"

"Doubt it. He gives me the vibe of someone who would stop at nothing to hunt you down. You know, dangerous, but hot."

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