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If there was anything Rory was good at, it was being an actress

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If there was anything Rory was good at, it was being an actress.

And right now, she had to act like her bruises didn't tear away her confidence and make her want to hide under the covers.

Sitting up on her knees, she looked at the angered man standing in front of a terrified Kip and asked, "Is everything okay, Dallas?"

"What are you doing?"

"I thought I dropped something," she replied innocently. When she reached out her hand, she assumed one of them would understand she was requesting help with standing. But as they watched her with an unconvinced stare, Rory let out an annoyed sigh and got off the floor herself. "And I was checking to see if I had. Is there a problem with that?"

"Was it your pills? Cause I can see you didn't take those."

Not wanting him to see her sweat, Rory immediately walked forward, choosing Dallas as her target - she had an undisclosed soft spot for Kip and decided not to torture him with her ways.

"I guess Kip forgot to check that I swallowed," she whispered seductively, smirking at the innuendo. She looked at the kid and added, "I heard Harry give you that instruction. Oh, god. I hope he doesn't get mad at you!" Turning her attention back to Dallas, she pouted her bottom lip and asked, "You look so angry. Did I do something wrong, Dallas?"

He cleared his throat. "I don't know. Did you?"

Dallas wasn't quick to break like usual. But the bead of sweat on his forehead signalled that he was close. God, she loved how easy they could be. But of course, Rory couldn't end her fun there.

"I was looking for my bra because I thought I dropped it." Her hand went to the zipper of her sweater. "I would be happy to prove to you I have nothing underneath," she said, tugging the piece of metal down.

"I-I don't think t-that's necessary," he nervously stuttered.

There you go. Break for me, Dallas.

"Are you sure? I would assume you would need to do a check." As the zipper travelled down to her navel, Rory knew the material of her sweater still covered her. However, based on where Dallas's eyes focused and his flushed skin, it appeared not to matter. "You know, I'm sure Harry would love to hear how thorough you were..." she dropped her voice to a whisper. "Checking to make sure I wasn't lying... Running your hands all over my skin... Making me crave you-"


His eyes shot up to the ceiling. "Fuck me," he grumbled under his breath. "Harry will kill me if he finds out I wasn't here."

"I won't tell."

Dallas turned his attention back to the vixen in front of him. "You-" He quickly shut his eyes. "Jesus, Rory. Can you put your boobs away now?"

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