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Rory wasn't expecting to see Harry again after her confession in the car.

The look on his face was something she was still trying to decipher. Anger mixed with... sadness? Could Harry even feel such a thing? She thought pigs would have to fly for that to happen. The way he looked replayed constantly in her head, just as the kiss lingered on her lips. Knowing she couldn't get him out of her head was making her task of cleaning even worse.

Rinsing out the mop, she glanced over her work. The floors had never looked so spotless.

Even when given a task she hated from someone she thought about killing daily, she was still going to do it to the best of her abilities. It was the best and worst quality about her.

Assuming she was the last to leave, Rory flicked the light switch off and headed towards the back door. Sounds of groaning and moaning coming from the manager's office stopped her right in her tracks. She shuddered and hurried outside. That was the last thing she needed to hear.

Rummaging through her purse and pulling out her carton of cigarettes, at least she had a smoke to reward herself. That was until she opened the box and realized it was empty.

Stomping her foot on the ground, her head turned to the sky as she yelled, "What the fuck did I ever do to you?"

She wasn't religious by any means - but that didn't stop her from screaming at whatever force above had decided she deserved to suffer through one of the worst days.

"Rough night?"

She jumped at the sound of the voice. "Shit," she whispered, pressing her hand against her chest to calm her rapid heartbeat. "You scared me."

Harry emerged from the shadows with a grin spreading across his pink lips. "Sorry, Bambi. Do you need a ride?"

"Are you asking because you're offering? Or are you asking because you want to be a dick and have no intention of driving me home?"

"Offering. Plus," Harry held up a bag of fast food, "I brought you some dinner."

Rory watched him with a wary eye and followed him from a few feet behind - a precautionary measure.

The last thing she expected was for him to show up. Let alone show up with food. Something was weird. What that was exactly, she didn't know. But her internal alarm bells were ringing.

Settling into the car, he placed the bag on the centre console. "I got you the same thing you ordered last night," he said, rummaging through the items and handing her a wrapped burger. "I hope you're okay with that."

Mouth watering at the food in front of her, she licked her lips. "Wait. You didn't poison this, right?" Noticing his confused glance, she quickly added, "After the day I've had, I wouldn't be surprised. I just wanted to check."

Harry started up the car and pulled out onto the main road. "Want to talk about it?"

"What?" she asked, taking a large bite of her burger.

"Do you want to talk about your day?"

Swallowing the food in her mouth with a large gulp, she looked at him with a furrowed brow. "Why would I do that?"

"Because when most people have a rough day, they talk about it."

"Why? Hoping you'll get some juicy information that you can use against me?"

Rory was baiting him with the snippy reply. And to her surprise, he didn't bite. Instead, he reached his hand over and wiped away the smudge of ketchup from the corner of her mouth.

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