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There was nothing quite like a killing spree to keep one's mind off something.

Harry's something was a brunette vixen he had just lost for the second time around.

And each day that passed without her was taking its toll on him. Resorting to his old measures was far from a smart move, but it's all he knew. No one said watching the life drain from someone's eyes was a healthy way to cope, but it sure fucking helped.

It was helping him. At least, that was until it stopped.

He didn't mean to drive to Sal's and wait outside in his car. One minute, he was doing a pick-up for Giovanni, and the next, he was at her place of work. It sickened him to know that she went back to the place she admitted no longer made her feel safe. And the fact that he was the cause - one remained unknown to him at the time - made it worse.

A sense of relief washed over him when Rory walked out of the front door. But that slight hint of joy, a feeling that had become unknown to him since she left, quickly dimmed when he realized she wasn't alone.

Rory waved goodbye to Benny before walking down the street with finance douche. Hands gripping the steering wheel, he could feel his knuckles turn white as he watched the two of them. Rory looked at him with a smile and laughed at something he said.

She's faking it, he sneered to himself. There's no way that guy says anything remotely interesting.

"So, tell me again," Dallas chimed in from the passenger seat, "Why is stalking Rory something we have to keep a secret from Colson?"

Jaw tensing at the question, he watched the happy couple get into a vehicle. "Because."

"Oh, good answer, Boss. Thank you!"

"He knows what he did."

"Okay, but I don't."

Harry rolled his eyes, not bothering to enlighten his friend with a response.

"It's not fun to be left out, you know."

Returning his attention to the window, a dull pain formed in his head, watching as the car pulled out onto the street.

"Friendship is built on trust. And trust includes sharing, which-"

"God! Would you fucking shut up?" Harry snapped, slamming his hand against the wheel. "He's fucking lying about not helping her leave!"

"How do you know?"

Releasing a shaky breath, he replied, "I just do."

Dallas cocked his head to the side, pursing his lips as he thought it over. "Why would he help her?"

Harry glanced at the rearview mirror, noticing a black van near the end of the street. "I don't know," he muttered, turning the key and revving the car's engine.

"I mean, he hates her," Dallas spoke out loud, staring blankly in front of him. "It doesn't make any sense! The guy wanted nothing to do with her but helped her leave? He had to know it would cause a problem, yet he did it anyway!"

Pulling out of the parking spot, Harry looked up at the mirror. "Dallas-"

"Shit. Now I get why it's so popular - they would make a great enemies-to-lovers trope. Don't you don't so?"


"Oh, don't even try to deny it! If those two were-"

Harry reached his arm over, slapping his hand across Dallas's mouth. "I swear to fucking god, shut up. We're being tailed."

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