062. GOOD // CRAWL

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fun fact: originally, 61 & 62 were supposed to be posted as 1 chapter. and well, this chapter alone is about 17.5K ... yikes! good thing I split them!

this is LONG (that's what she said) so make sure u grab a snack & enjoy! 

ps - don't be afraid to comment hehe 


062. GOOD // CRAWL


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Good boy. 

Who knew those two words were all it took to make the devil unravel.

Rory had to press her thighs together over his reaction.

Seeing the man in front of her transform when he took control was one thing. But watching him unravel for the slightest touch and easily beg on-demand sent a euphoric rush through her body.

"Such a good boy. Mmm? Being so patient... not getting to cum once..."

She leaned down, pressing a kiss just above the waistband of his briefs. Her tongue darted across her bottom lip, watching his muscles contract, flexing his inked skin.

"Please, Rory," he whimpered, "Please, baby, don't tease me."

"Don't worry," she cooed. "I'll make you feel so good, baby."

A loud bang rattled against the bedroom door. "Harry? I know you're in there," a voice from the other side yelled.

"Fuck off, Colson!" Harry gritted through his teeth.

"Romano called. We gotta go in thirty minutes."

He reached for Rory's arm, attempting to pull her back into position. "Ignore him, baby," he whispered, "Please."


The long-haired devil remained silent, pleading at her with his eyes.

"Harry?" Colson yelled again. "Are you getting up?"

"Fuck, yes, alright?!"

"Good. You now have twenty-nine minutes!"

Hearing the descent down the steps, Harry released a frustrated breath. "I'm going to kill him one day, I swear."

"When you do kill him," she purred, "can I watch?"

"Baby," he groaned, "You're not making this any easier for me."

She pressed her lips together, suppressing a giggle. "Sorry." Making her way off his lap, her eyes watched him as he slowly got up and briefly struggled to stand upright before walking to the door. "Want me to jack you off in the shower?"

Harry hesitated and turned his head. "That's alright." He remained by the door, a puzzled look on his expression. "No," he mumbled, clearly battling the argument in his head, "No."

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