068. PAST

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hi <3 im so sorry for the wait. 

tw - discussion of SA 


From the first second, Harry knew there was something different about her.

He always took pride in his ability to read people. It wasn't a talent he earned through the program; he discovered it at a young age. And knowing it was a skill of his own made him hold it near to his heart. Although he was never good at expressing emotions (another trait from childhood and not a byproduct from years of brainwashing), he loved having a skill that was all his.

Once the relief of seeing her had disappeared from clouding his judgement, his skill led him to realize something different about Rory - something wrong.

However, this time around, Harry experienced something new with his skill.

It wasn't just knowing something was wrong. He could feel it too. All of her anger, sadness and confusion coursed through him.

It enraged Harry to know she felt this way. He wanted to rid it from her body, take away all the hurt and put it on his shoulders instead. Harry wanted to tear apart anyone that caused her to feel this way, force them to suffer a pain that was a thousand times more unbearable for even inflicting a minuscule amount of that hurt onto her. Set fire to anything and anyone they cared about because of what they did to the one he loved.

But he couldn't do that. Not yet, at least.

Rory wanted to see Doctor Khan. That's what they had to do first. He would deal with ripping limbs and setting fires later.

Within a split second of hearing Rory's request, Stefano immediately called the Doctor. While the older man approached the three boys to discuss a plan, Harry helped Rory to the car. His hand remained on her waist to guide her in the right direction - Rory appeared more interested in her shoes or looking off in the distance than paying attention to where they were going.

There was nothing else Harry could afford to think about aside from getting her to see the Doctor... not about how there was barely any life behind her eyes... or that she didn't respond to her name... or consider the multitude of conversation topics Handler could have picked...

None of that mattered. Not yet, at least.

Rory's movements came to a sudden halt. Her head turned, overhearing the arguments from the three boys as they climbed into the other SUV.

"Don't worry about that," Stefano said, attempting to rid the worried glance off the girl's expression. "Dallas was hungry again, so I'm sending them off to get more snacks."

Stefano attempted to be light-hearted with his reply while distracting Rory from the truth. It wasn't snacks they were hurrying off for - it was to prepare the house for the Doctor. But Stefano didn't want her to overthink it, hence the quick coverup. It's not like it was anywhere near unbelievable. Dallas's appetite from today alone made it a believable story.

Overthinking, let alone thinking at all, was the least of their concerns. Rory's face fell blank as she looked at the older man. And although she was looking him right in the eyes, she provided no other indication that she was listening to a word he said.

The two men exchanged a worried glance as Rory's turned her head and stared off into the distance. Her request to see the Doctor was a blessing in disguise because, willingly or not, that's where she would have been heading to see regardless.

Turning his body slightly to the side and away from Rory, Harry lowly asked, "What's the plan?"

"Why don't you get her in the car first?" Stefano suggested. "Then we can discuss."

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