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When Harry left the meeting, his mind went a thousand miles a second

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When Harry left the meeting, his mind went a thousand miles a second.

He gave the other three a brief goodbye, saying he would explain what had happened at the house and got straight in his car. It wasn't unusual for him to act this way; they had been around him long enough to be accustomed to his usual ways of being after something serious like this. Harry was thankful his friends understood because he wasn't sure how long he would last making conversation about the events that had just unfolded.

There was only one thing he needed right now: seeing her.

Speeding down the city streets, he reached the bar in record timing. Harry checked his watch. Rory's shift was almost over; he was happy to wait and have a drink while she finished.

But the moment he entered the bar, the blonde he had grown to hate for Rory's sake turned her head. "You just missed her," Amber called over her shoulder. "She already left."


"I don't know... ten... maybe twenty minutes ago? Some guy came by, and she went with him."


Amber waved her hand dismissively. "I don't know! I'm not that whore's babysitter."

Hearing that comment, Harry fought the urge to paint the inside of the bar red with Amber's blood. And if it weren't for the pressing fact that Rory had gone off with some unknown man, he may have done it.

Storming out of the bar and back to his car, Harry checked his phone for a message. Maybe there was a simple explanation, like Andrew coming by to take her home. He had a forgettable face; it wouldn't surprise him if Amber didn't remember who he was. Harry would have at least expected Rory to let him know she was leaving. Picking her up still wasn't something they arranged; it was more of an unspoken understanding. But that was still deserving of a heads up, right?

Noticing a familiar car pull into the spot behind his, Harry walked over and tapped on the window. "What the fuck are you guys doing here?"

"We saw the car," Dallas said. "The one we've been trying to track."

"What? Where?"

"Circling outside the warehouse a few minutes after you took off. The kid spotted it. We wanted to make sure it didn't come here, and-" Colson stopped, noting that Harry was alone. "Where is she?"

"Apparently, she left with someone. Ten or twenty minutes ago."


"Don't know."

Kip leaned forward, turning his laptop screen. "Isn't this her ex?"

"Shit," Harry cursed, spotting the familiar, smug face entering the bar on the security footage. "Where did they go?"

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