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"What are we doing?"

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"What are we doing?"

"We're eating."

"No, I mean," she took a deep breath, tapping her fingers against the dining room table, "What are we doing, you know, relationship-wise."

Harry released a frustrated sigh, dropping his fork on his plate. "Why are you bringing this up now, Rory?"

"Why?" she repeated, taken aback by his demeanour. "Because I like you. And I know we said we would keep things private, and I'm not asking to change things, but I don't know how you feel or what you're thinking." Before Harry could answer, she continued, "If you're just waiting until I give in and we have sex, that's fine, but I just need to know."

"Is that what you think I'm doing?"

Rory looked down at her plate, pushing a piece of pasta around with her fork. "I don't know," she replied honestly. "But I'm guessing I'm right." She had to be. Why else wouldn't he try to tame her fears? "I just want to be on the same page. You don't want us to go past dating or be anything serious, right?"

Harry didn't answer.

The kind of gut-wrenching, humiliating silence took over the room.

Her lips parted to speak, but she silenced herself by pressing them together. "I should go."


She put her fork down and got up from the table. "My shift starts soon, and traffic is bad at this time." Avoiding his gaze in every way she could, Rory quickly gathered her things.


"Just forget I said anything. It was stupid of me to ask."


"I'll talk to you later."


When she spiralled like this, he was usually able to get her attention by the third or fourth time he called out her name. But not this time. Rory was out the door and vanished from the street within an instant. The poor Bambi had never moved so fast, sprinting away from his house.

She was thankful she was working at Sal's tonight. If it had been at NOWHERE, she would have skipped her shift. Then she would have been embarrassed and without a paycheck for the night.

"Ugh. What happened to you?" Amber asked her with a snarky tone.

Rory closed her eyes and took a deep breath, allowing herself a brief moment to go to her happy place - something Mia had taught her to do when feeling overwhelmed. A happy place typically meant picturing yourself on a beautiful beach. But Rory took a different path. She pictured Amber as a tiny doll that she had control over, cutting off all her hair and plucking out every eyebrow-

A shrill voice and fingers snapping ruined the peaceful moment. "Hello? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Shoving the rest of her items into her locket, Rory slammed it shut. "Can I help you?"

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