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Harry was livid.

The information proved to be true, which only meant two things.

One, the team was getting screwed over.

And two, the fucking Bambi was right.

Down on the main floor, Bambi wasn't elated that she had been right - since no one told her. To Rory's disappointment, Harry rarely left his office after her first night working. It wasn't that she missed his presence, or anything close to that. Her shifts passed slowly without the entertainment that he sometimes - rarely - provided her. And, when she was bored, getting under his skin was her favourite pastime.

She knocked on the door to his office and opened it slightly, just enough to poke her head through. "Sorry to bother you," she said, "But, I'm clocking out and I have my tips."

Waving her in without a word, Rory handed him her small stack of cash.

"This is it?"

"Slow night." She shrugged. "You know, I could get the word out a bit. Get more customers in here on nights other than Friday and Saturday. Which, by the way, asshole move to not give me a shift for."

"You haven't earned them. Besides, do you like crowds?"


"Do you like crowds?" he repeated. "Those nights get very busy. I don't like having staff on the floor working that get overwhelmed easily."

Swallowing her fear that Harry might have picked up on something, she said, "You think I would get overwhelmed? Come on, Harry. I just want to make some more money and get our little arrangement over with."

Harry refilled his drink. "Sorry, Bambi, but I'm not here to make life easier for you and give you something you haven't earned."

"How do you want me to earn it? Are you also a sick man that gives out better shifts in exchange for a blowjob?"

"You earn it by being good at your job and not pissing me off," he sneered. "Since you're already failing one of those, I wouldn't expect to see those shifts anytime in your future."

Wetting his index finger, he quickly counted the stack of bills from her tips. Rory, wanting to interrupt and tell him the amount she already calculated as part of her split, pressed her lips together to keep silent. The last thing she wanted was for Mr. Angry Pants to keep all of her money.

With a few dollars shoved into her hand, she let out a frustrated sigh over her small amount. "Whatcha doing?" Rory asked innocently, looking down at his desk.

"Nothing that you need to be concerned with."

"Did you ever look into that Brandon guy?"

Reaching for his glass, Harry took a long sip of the dark amber liquid. "You were wrong, Bambi," he lied. "What a surprise?"

"So, he's not trying to scam you?"

Harry ignored her.

"You know," she crossed her arms over her chest, "I could have left without doing all this ninety-ten bullshit, so, you could at least give me a smile."

"I'm not in the mood, Bambi. Unless you are willing to let me put that mouth of yours to better use, I suggest you go home. In fact, that's exactly what you should do," he spat. "Go home, Rory."

She rolled her eyes. "Damn, you are no fun when you're grumpy. Dallas is right. You do need to get laid."

"Well, Dallas only talks to you because he wants to fuck you."

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