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Juniper Jones wasn't one to hate people, she had very few opinions on others. A bit out of character for a Slytherin, but she never saw the purpose in it. A waste of energy, she thought. Fred Weasley however. She always had the energy to hate on Fred Weasley. The other Weasley kids were fine, even George, Fred's identical twin brother. But Juniper always found any excuse to drag Fred Weasley's name through the mud. 

Her hatred towards him wasn't unwarranted. Three years ago, during Juniper's first week at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she had fallen victim to one of Fred Weasley's pranks. If it was a harmless prank, like  stink-bomb or a scare, she would've been able to forgive him with time. However, this prank left her in the hospital for a week and her hair was stained a bright pink for a year. A neon pink, that would be unmissable even from ten Quidditch Pitches away. He had insisted that it went wrong and it was 'only meant to last a few hours'. But it hadn't, and he never even apologised for it. She was plagued with the nickname 'Jellyhead Juniper' for the first two years of school, receiving unwanted attention and stares no matter where she went.

 Of course, the only way to avoid the constant bullying, was to walk around and associate with Draco Malfoy, who had been obsessed with her for the first few years of school. Juniper was convinced it was because she was part Veela and inherited her charm from her mother. Draco had convince Juniper to start dating before the summer break before their third year at Hogwarts started, she didn't mind though. Draco was rather easy on the eyes and always filled her stomach with butterflies, and it would stop the bullying a little bit. 

Being half-Veela was also a reason why Juniper thought she didn't have many female friends. There were always being spread around about her, and none of the girls trusted her around their boyfriends or crushes. Except for one girl. Her name was Matilda Aplenty. Juniper only really spoke to her her their potions class, but she was the closest friend that she had. Matilda always stood up for Juniper when she wasn't around though. If she heard her name brought up in the hallways, Matilda would defend Juniper until the rumour was squashed. Blaise Zabini was also one of Junipers closest friends, despite the few words that they had shared, he made being in Slytherin a bit easier for her. 

The week before  her third year at Hogwarts started, Juniper shampooed her hair at least three times a day. She was scolded by her grandmother a few times for wasting water, but Juniper didn't care, she just wanted her natural white-gold hair back. And this year, she wanted Fred Weasley to pay for what he had done. 

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