54. girl talk

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After promising Professor McGonagall that she wouldn't tell anyone what had happened, Juniper bolted straight to where Hermione was sitting, peacefully reading over her study notes and eating cereal. Hermione was perfectly unfazed, until Juniper came crashing into the seat in front of her, looking like a complete mess.

"No offense, but you look horrible." Hermione said, placing her notes down so she could give Juniper her undivided attention. "It's amazing."

"I know, I know. McGonagall caught me in Fred's bed last night then I had to have a meeting with her. It's been a wild morning." Juniper began, pouring herself a glass of juice.

"How did you manage to get caught?" Hermione held back a laugh. "And did you happen to see Harry or Ron at any point?"

"The Weasley's have gone home." Juniper whispered across the table. "I guess Harry went with them. Were you not told?"

"Obviously not!" Hermione's eyes widened. "Why did they go back? There's still classes?"

"McGonagall just said there was a 'situation' and it'd be 'best for the family to be together'. Whatever that means." Juniper rolled her eyes, irritated that her boyfriend was gone and she was given minimal context. "Fred was going to stay with me for Christmas, now I'm back to being alone for the holidays."

"I'm sure you'll be allowed to stay with my family, or we can go back to... Sirius Black's house together." Hermione whispered, looking around to make sure no one was eavesdropping. "My parents were going to go skiing, but I'd rather stay close to the Order."

"I doubt he will, the last time I saw Dumbledore I went nuts at him." Juniper laughed to herself, remembering how she gave Dumbledore, Draco and Professor Snape a firm talking to. She looked up to see a puzzled look on Hermione's face. "I'll explain later. But we can try."

"You better, I'm intrigued now." Hermione frowned. She looked up at Juniper through her eyelashes, chewing on the inside of her lip, debating whether or not to ask a question. "Do you think it has to do with Deatheaters? That's why they went home?"

"How am I meant to know, Hermione?" Juniper breathed, suddenly in a bad mood. It felt like Hermione was accusing Juniper of knowing something she didn't. And she was tired, and grumpy. Skipping classes started sounding like a good idea again.

"I'm not saying that you know, I was just wondering what you think." Hermione clarified, watching Juniper's body tense. "Never mind, you don't have to answer."

"I wasn't going to anyway." Juniper shrugged, fighting the urge to storm off. Hermione was waiting for it, tentatively turning to her book just in case. Juniper watched her from across the table, deep in her own thought. She had never seen Hermione with anyone but Harry, Ron or Ginny, and all three of them had gone home. Now was Juniper's time to take a chance and deepen this friendship, and she was running out of friends anyway.

"Is there something on my face?" Hermione muttered, still looking down at her book. "Or are you trying to curse me with your mind?"

"We're friends right?" Juniper asked, pushing aside her anger. "I know I'm not the nicest or most approachable, and I lack patience and sometimes empathy-"

"Yes, we're friends, Juniper." Hermione reached across the table to squeeze Juniper's hand. "And you aren't any of those things, you're a teenage girl." The two took a deep breath together, feeling united in their girlhood, before they were interrupted.

"Do you girls mind if I join?" Matilda grinned, taking a seat before getting a response. "It's been a while since Fred hasn't been attached to your hip."

"I know, it's cold." Juniper smiled back, watching Hermione's guard go up. "Matilda this is Hermione. Hermione this is Matilda."

"We've been going to the same school for 5 years now, we know who each other are." Matilda laughed, exchanging a look with Hermione, who only smiled in response. "What are we gossiping about? You know I love girl talk."

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