42. Draco's secret

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If looks could kill, Juniper would be dead at Pansy's feet in an instant.
It didn't take long for the dark haired girl to spot the silver badge on Draco's robes, even in the darkness of the horseless carriage carrying them to Hogwarts, and it took even less time for her eye to catch onto Junipers.

"Well that's a shock." Pansy spat, her arms crossed over her chest. It made Juniper aware of the dull headache she had been ignoring for the past month.

"Afternoon, Pansy." Juniper mumbled, no energy for a fight.

"I didn't know you were one of Snape's favourites." Pansy continued.

"Have a good summer?" Juniper asked, crossing a knee over the other as Crabbe and Goyle climbed into the carriage. She wished she had managed to find Blaise and Theo on the train, her situation would be far more pleasant with them.

"Going to give me a detention if I look at you the wrong way?" Pansy sneered.

"That's good, mine was okay." Juniper ignored, turning to look out the window, remaining silent for the remainder of the trip to Hogwarts.

Just like the platform, the Great Hall was quieter and emptier than it usually was, especially for the Welcoming feast. The list of First Years was inches shorter than it had been in previous years, and there were only a few familiar faces at the Teachers table, the rest had been replaced by new Professors, ones that obviously didn't know what they were getting themselves into.
The new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher was different. She was the complete opposite of what Dumbledore normally chose. At least compared to Moody, who was 50% artificial limb, 50% grumbles and groans, and Remus, the ragged werewolf who was only a vague ghost of his past self. Professor Umbridge was very prim and proper, spoke with a squeak and dressed in pink from head to toe. Complete opposite. Hopefully she would treat Harry the complete opposite, too.
Once the food appeared on the table, the hall was loud again, bringing Juniper back to reality. She hadn't comprehended anything that had been said, just hearing the muffles instead of words. Not until Draco snapped his fingers in her face.

"Do. You. Want. A. Bread. Roll?" He drawled on like he had said it ten times already, holding the bowl of rolls out for her.

"Ok." She grabbed one and started tearing it up in her hands, only picking small pieces off to eat.

"Did you hear we have to monitor the halls tonight. Until Midnight." Draco said, placing the bowl back down.

"Seriously?" Juniper groaned. "We did the train, what are the other prefects doing?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. He seemed more than happy to spend his night patrolling the castle with her. "I was told it's a Slytherin responsibility for the first night, and the other prefects pulled out before I could."

"Right." She glanced up at him, not believing a word he was saying. Lucius is probably desperate for Draco to het her back, and Draco would do anything for his father's approval.
The very thought of veritaserum had been forcefully shoved straight into the back of Juniper's mind a few weeks ago, since she had taken it to prove her own innocence and disinterest in being a Deatheater or spy. But she wished she had some to slip into Draco's goblet, just to confirm her suspicions.
Looking at him across the table jogged her memory of the truth serum, remembering the first question Sirius Black had asked her.
Not drawing any attention to herself, she casted a silencing charm across the table, around herself and Draco. His head shot up as the voices around them began to muffle, as thought they were behind thick glass.

"Was that you?" He asked, hoping she could hear him properly.

"That scrap piece of paper you gave me at your house, who did you get that from?" She asked, ignoring his question.

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