69. Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

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Juniper, along with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny, was escorted to Diagon Alley in a Ministry car. Every second word Mrs. Weasley said was 'Harry', as she repeatedly reminded them all his safety was top priority, and they'd be leaving Diagon Alley as soon as they could, and they wouldn't hesitate to leave without them if necessary (except for Harry).
Much to Molly's disappointment, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Juniper managed to split off from her and Mr. Weasley, very loosely supervised by Hagrid. Their first stop as a group was Madam Malkin's Robes, where they walked in on Draco and Narcissa Malfoy.

"If you're wondering what that smell is, Mother." Draco drawled, staring at the group in the reflection of the mirror he was inspecting his robes in. "A mudblood just walked in."

"No need for that language." Madam Malkin tutted as she stuck a pin into the fabric of Draco's robes. Juniper held his eyes in the mirror for a second, retreating back towards the front window. "No need for wands either, boys."

"Honestly, it's not worth it." Hermione sneered at Malfoy, pushing Harry and Ron's wands down. Juniper stared at the roof as they all bickered back and forth, waiting for it to pass, until Narcissa stood up.

"Dumbledore won't always be there to protect you." Juniper heard her say to Harry, looking down her nose at him. She watched Draco move to hit Harry, restrained by his Mothers firm grip on his shoulder. "Now I know what kind of scum that shops here, I think we'll go elsewhere, Draco." Narcissa spat, pulling Draco away from the group.

"Jones." Draco grunted with a nod after shoving past Ron. He clutched at his forearm, keeping his sleeve in place.

"Malfoy...s." Juniper nodded in response, looking at the ground, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Juniper." Narcissa replied evenly, making Juniper's eyes flick up in shock. She didn't think Narcissa would remember her name, let alone address her by it. "You changed your hair back."

"It wasn't really my choice." Juniper muttered. Narcissa drew her wand, holding it to her head. Juniper flinched, her teeth clenching and her back straightening, her body preparing for a curse.

"Better." Narcissa murmured, pocketing her wand. Juniper's gaze darted to the mirror behind Narcissa, her hair now back to its natural shimmering white-blonde.

"Thanks." Juniper whispered, her voice barely audible. Both Draco and his mother glanced back at Harry, Ron and Hermione. Narcissa let out a long sigh.

"Don't be long, Draco. We have important places to be." She huffed, exiting the store and standing right by the door, keeping an eye on Juniper and Draco.

"How are you?" Draco said under his breath, trying to stay quiet so only Juniper could hear him. "Staying safe?"

"I'm not well." She responded blandly, staring up at him. She was unable to look away from him, her blinks were slow and it hurt to move her eyes, she was so tired. "But I'm safe."

"That's... good." He breathed, his arms reaching up to comb through his hair. Juniper thought she saw a spot of black on his forearm, but decided she was just going crazy from sleep deprivation.

"You?" She asked. The eye contact she was accidentally trying to hold was off-putting, and she could tell she was making him uncomfortable. "Safe and well?"

"No." He looked to his mother outside. "It's best for both of us if I don't elaborate."

"Trust me, I believe you." Juniper murmured, still looking at him.

"I have to go, I might see you on the train." He dismissed quickly, exiting the shop to meet with his mother.
As Juniper watched the Malfoy's leave, a shiver ran down her spine at the unsettling resemblance between her and them. From the hair, the sharp cheekbones and the dark eye bags, to the fidgeting fingertips.
Once Harry, Ron and Hermione were done with Madam Malkin, the group found Ginny with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley outside an Apothecary store. They nagged the adults over and over again, to let them go to Weasley Wizard Wheezes, barely giving them a second of silence in the last few shops.

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