36. paparazzi George

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Fred waited a few hours to cool off, choosing to spend some of that time expressing his anger to George, who tried his hardest to sympathise with him. He knew just as well as Fred did, how harsh Molly could be, but he couldn't bring himself to understand why Fred was fighting so hard in Junipers defense. George had only interacted with her a handful of times, but even then, he didn't think she stood out among the girls Fred had dated. He briefly thought that it was her Veela charm, but that hadn't won George over either.
Still, he watched Fred pace around their room, his hands waving around as he complained and his face glowing red from anger. He zoned in and out, nodding and pretending to care when Fred gave him specific cues. The only time Fred captured his full attention, was when he swung the door open and started to walk out.

"Wait, where are you going?" George shouted, almost face planting trying to get off the bed to chase him.

"The potion has to have worn off by now, so I can talk to her without feeling guilty." Fred said, making his way over to the girls room.

"What potion?" George asked. Fred spun on his heel, glaring at his brother.

"George! Were you not listening?" He shouted, his face just as red as it had been for the past few hours.

"I was listening!" George defended himself, raising his hands. "I just wasn't caring."

"Not even my twin brother is on my side." Fred huffed, throwing his hands in the air from frustration.

"I'm on your side, I just... don't get it." George shrugged, leaning against the wall. "What are you even going to talk to her about?"

"You know... stuff." Fred said, realising how underprepared he was. "What should I talk to her about?"

"You can either go down the dead grandmother route, or confess your deep, undying feelings for her. Or just stick with the awkward small talk." George suggested, knowing that all of those options were horrible.

"I don't think those are my only-."

"Those are your only choices." George nodded slowly, crossing his arms.

"What would you suggest I do then?" Fred sighed.

"I'd suggest going and cleaning up your side of the room because you live like a pig, honestly." George sassed, starting on his way downstairs to join everyone for dinner. "But if you want something a bit more entertaining, I'd go for the confession. Spice the day up a bit."

"That really doesn't help, George." Fred mumbled, turning to continue his way down the hall to the girls bedroom.
Once he reached the door, he had to take a deep breath, running his hands through his hair to ease his nerves, then knocked softly on the door.

"Uh... come in?" Juniper called from the other side of the door, confused by the knock. Assuming it was just Ginny or Hermione coming back from dinner early, she stayed in her curled up position on her make-shift bed in the very back corner of the room.
Once she saw Fred poke his head into the room, she sat up straight, letting the book she was reading close over, losing her page.

"What are you reading?" He asked casually, stepping in and closing the door behind him.

"Um... I don't know. I just borrowed it from Hermione's nightstand... without asking. Maybe I should've asked..." She trailed off, glancing at the book cover to her side, before being drawn back to the situation in front of her. "What are you doing in here?"

"Just checking up on you." Fred said, sounding a lot calmer than he actually was. "How are you feeling?"

"Mostly fine. Totally mortified." Juniper readjusted her top, trying to avoid eye contact. "I can almost lie now, which is good I guess."

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