43. draught of peace

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Juniper woke up to a very bright light shining in her eyes, followed by a loud, high pitched scream. Her first instinct was to roll back over to darkness so she could continue sleeping, but Fred's arms were still wrapped around her, keeping her still.

"What is she doing here?!" The scream continued, snapping Juniper's eyes open in an instant. The curtain to Fred's bed was pulled open, sunlight pouring in from the window, and a boy was staring straight at her, his mouth dropped open in shock. George had jumped up to his feet, trying to usher the boy away, whispering in his ear. "No! That's the- what? What is she doing here?"

"That what I'm trying to tell you!" George groaned, leaning over to shut the curtain again.

"The first night at Hogwarts and we already screwed up." Juniper sat up, arching her back to stretch. "Your mum might actually kill me now."

"She expects it from me." Fred yawned, slowly sitting up. Without thinking, Juniper reached her hand out to push the hair out of his eyes. "Lee won't tell anyone anyway."

"Are you sure?" She smiled shyly, dropping her hand back in her lap. "The whole school probably knows now, that's how loud he's screaming."

"Hey! I can hear you, Slytherin." Lee called out, his pout was evident in his voice.

"She has a name." Fred ripped the curtain open again, stepping out of the bed. As he stretched, his t-shirt raised, showing the lower part of his abdomen and the waistband of his boxers. Juniper had to advert her eyes to the bed before one of the boys saw her gawking. She'd never hear the end of it.

"I'm sure she does, but she also has her own dorm in Slytherin." Lee sassed back to Fred.

"Welcome to our dorm, Juniper." George said with a grin, trying to talk over Lee before a fight broke out.

"Thanks, George." Juniper smiled widely, stepping off of Fred's bed. Lee glared at her as she smoothed out her skirt and readjusted her tie. And Fred glared at Lee.  Juniper plastered a huge smile on her face. "Who's ready for their first day?"

"Why?" Lee whined, turning to George. "Did you guys really think I'd be cool with this?"

"I didn't think you'd find out about it." George shrugged.

"I did." Fred grabbed his tie off his side table and began tying it. "And you have to be cool with it or I'll tell everyone what you did with that photo of Katie Bell."

"You wouldn't!" Lee gasped in horror.

"He would." George muttered, inching slowly towards the door.

"I would." Fred shrugged his robe on. "And if you tell anyone about Juniper and I, I'll tell everyone the story your mother told me about your fish."

"What story..." Lee started, his hand slowly making its way to his mouth.

"The story. Summer '92." Fred's eyes widened as he grinned.

"No... no!" Lee shouted. "Fine! I won't tell anyone! I wasn't going to anyway."

"Amazing. Now we can go to breakfast." Fred continued to smile, as though he hadn't just blackmailed his best friend. He swung the door open and lead everyone out of the dorm, making sure Juniper was hidden among their robes, just in case anyone saw her.

"Welcome to the dorm, Slytherin." Lee mumbled from beside her. He was only an inch taller than her, so Juniper was able to look him right in the eye as she grinned.

"I'm looking forward to our time together, Gryffindor."

"I didn't see you in the common room." Blaise murmured to Juniper as she sat beside him at breakfast. Over the past year, Blaise had been making his way further and further away from Draco's group at meals, something that Juniper was eternally grateful for that morning.

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