48. wound inspector Harry

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Keeping the Dumbledore's Army meetings a secret was hard for Juniper, since both Matilda and Theo were hovering over her at all times. It was like they agreed on taking shifts, as soon as one would go to a class or see another friend, the other appeared out of nowhere. Juniper enjoyed her time with Matilda more, especially since Theo had developed a crush on her, and made all their interactions awkward and tense. And she could talk about Fred with Matilda.

"Okay, I'm only going to ask this once." Matilda had dragged Juniper behind the Herbology Greenhouses, insisting it was a great spot for private conversations, no other reason. Matilda had dried a patch of grass for them to sit on, practically dragging Juniper to the ground. "Tell me when to stop."

"What?" Juniper wiped her hands on her skirt, watching Matilda press her hands together, then separating them slowly, indicating for Juniper to tell her to stop.

"Are you serious?" Matilda's eyes widened when her hands were shoulder width apart. "This is ridiculous, I'm staring over." She pressed her hands together, pulling them apart even slower.

"Matilda!" Juniper slapped Matilda's hands down, a blush growing across her face. "Ask him yourself if you want to know so bad. I'm not going to tell you how big it is."

"Why?" Matilda whined. "I'll tell you how big Blaise is."

"Ew, I do not want to know how big Blaise's di-"

"Ladies." Fred and George interrupted from behind Juniper's back.

"Gentleman." Matilda replied, casting a quick grin at Juniper. "Do you have what I asked for?"

"Obviously, Miss Aplenty." George leaned over Juniper to hand Matilda a small tin, accepting a few coins in return. "Please remember to consume responsibly."

"We'll meet again before your party?"

"Just let us know what you need." George replied again.

"Perfect. See you two later then." Matilda waved them off, inspecting the contents of her tin. "Bye."

"We actually need to borrow Juniper." Fred said, turning Matilda's face sour. "For the rest of the night."

"Oh. Oh. Ew." Matilda turned her nose up, glancing between Fred, George and Juniper. "Both of you?"

"Matilda!" Juniper jumped up, smoothing out her skirt. Her face was burning bright red as she turned to the twins, Matilda's unfiltered thoughts lingering in the air. "What did you guys need me for?"

"That meeting with Hermione." George winked.

"And Hermione?" Matilda jumped in again, starting to walk off. "You guys are so gross."

"Ignore her. She's a pothead, apparently." Juniper rolled her eyes, turning to walk back to the castle. "I had no idea you two had your little business."

"I have many secrets, JoJo." Fred slung an arm around, making sure there was no one watching.

"We were going to stop this year, we don't really need to anymore." George piped up, reminding the two that he was there. "But Aplenty is our best customer. And it's party season."

"What else do you sell?" Juniper asked, mainly to George.

"We're opening-."

"It's a secret." Fred his brother off with a glare. "You'll see next year."

"Post-graduate Weasley twins are going to rock the wizarding world." George added.

"Oh right, it's your last year." Juniper looked down at her feet as  as she walked beside Fred. He had such a positive effect on her, that she completely forgot that she'd spend a majority of her time without him once he graduated. "Got anything special planned for your last year?"

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