5. he was just raised that way

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mature content warning~

Spending the entire night locked in the same room as every other Hogwarts student, was probably one of the worst things Juniper could've imagined. Especially since the days previous events had spread like wildfire around the school, and everyone's eyes were glued on her, whispering and trying to find any remaining paint left on her as she walked down the hall, looking for the comfort of Matilda.
The room was spilt in two, girls on the left side, boys on the right, all tucked into small sleeping bags. All the teachers had left the room, leaving the Heads of houses and Prefects in charge, not that anyone listened to them anyway. Matilda had saved two sleeping bags in the far corner of the room, one for her and one for Juniper. The two had locked eyes and Juniper was making her way over as fast as she could, tuning out everyone around her. Until Fred Weasley walked into her. Their bodies hitting hard, making Juniper stumble back from the impact. Her jaw clenched immediately, trying hard not to spit out a long, harsh line of insults. Fred's jaw had dropped open, apologetic for getting in her way. The two were painfully aware for the hundreds of eyes trained on them.

"I'm sorry, June. I really am." He said, apologising for more than just the collision. He hadn't even realised what he had called her.

"Excuse me?" Juniper looked him up and down, confused as to why that nickname was coming from his mouth. Her face was red with both anger and embarrassment.

"I said I was sorry." Fred said, brushing off the slip of his tongue and straightening his back, remembering all of the eyes on the two of them. He wasn't going to let them all see him crumble under the pressure of Junipers stare, burning into his own eyes.

"Don't call me that again." She said, her voice low and threatening. "Don't call me anything, never speak to me." She continued on. Fred was trying hard to concentrate on the words she was saying, but all he could see was the playful glint in her eye, thankful that someone was actually entertaining her, testing the way she would react and figuring out what grabs her attention. Her jaw flexed as she clenched and unclenched her teeth, trying to keep her angry stare into his eyes and not let it wander anywhere else.

"Hm." Fred smirked, playing his usual careless act, angering Juniper further. He continued on his way, brushing past her as though she wasn't even an obstacle in his path. "I'll try, Jones." He didn't look back to see the way her eyebrows furrowed even deeper and her fists clenched harder at her sides. She kept her eyes on him, watching him walk away proudly, playing the part for the small audience they attracted. After he disappeared further into the hall, she had to blink herself back to reality, trying to remember where she was and what she was meant to be doing. The students around her looked away quickly, afraid she was going to turn her anger onto them, not that she had ever done so before.

"Um, may I ask what that was about?" Matilda asked as soon as Juniper sat down.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Juniper shrugged, climbing into the sleeping bag that Matilda had kept free for her, making sure that she could keep an eye on Fred from across the room.

"Please." Matilda rolled her eyes, not buying the clueless act from Juniper. "The tension between you two was so... you'd need like, an axe or something to cut it. Maybe two axes." Matilda snickered at her own joke, seeing the unimpressed look across Junipers face.

"It wasn't anything. He just needs to be put in his place." The two laid down as the Prefects strolled around the hall, shushing students that were still talking loudly. After a while, Juniper gave up on pretending, groaning with frustration. "He's so cocky, I could just... ugh!" She struggled to find the right words to express how she felt about him, whether she wanted to never speak to him again or whether she wanted to be in his life just so she could ruin it.

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