52. answering unasked questions

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Juniper woke up the next morning in Fred's tiny dorm bed, laying on top of his chest like he was her own mattress. He had already been awake for some time, playing with things he found within his reach, making chocolate wrappers float in a halo above the two. He tried to hide his wince as Juniper stretched, accidentally digging her elbow into his ribs.  

"We need to start sleeping in my dorm. This is too small." Juniper yawned, laying her head back down on Fred's chest. He ran his fingers through her hair, moving her hair out of her face. She smiled softly, looing up at him through her eyelashes. "Never mind, this is perfect."

"Anywhere is perfect with you." He said, returning her smile.

"Who knew you were so gushy." She laughed to herself, closing her eyes sleepily. She thought about how different things were this time last year, that she and Fred had managed to completely flip their relationship. It made her wonder what the next 12 months had in store for them, especially since they were going to be separated for the better half of the year. "Hey, Fred?"

"Yes, Jaundice?" He hummed back, tracing patterns on her back with his fingertips.

"You seriously just called me jaundice?" She craned her neck to give him a look of disgust. "I think I have to break up with you now."

"What's wrong with jaundice?"

"What's wrong with jaundice?" She asked back, her eyebrows raised. "It's literally a medical issue, Fred. If you're jaundiced I'd hope you'd go to a doctor instead of asking what the big deal is."

"Noted." Fred nodded a few times before going back to the conversation. "What did you want to ask me, non-jaundiced June?"

"I was going to ask..." Juniper started, suddenly going shy. She rested her elbows up on Fred's chest so she could look at him properly. "What are your plans for next year?"

"You promise not to tell anyone?" He asked.

"I promise."

"You can't even tell George that I'm telling you. He'd kill me."

"I said I promise." Juniper used her hand to smooth out the wrinkles on his t-shirt, waiting for his answer.

"George and I are opening our own shop." His chest stopped rising and falling as he held his breath, waiting for Juniper's response.

"Oh." She said simply, running it through her head. "What kind of shop?"

"A joke shop. Like Zonko's. But bigger and better." He remained still. "And more affordable."

"How are you doing it?"

"We've been saving since we were 5 years old." He started breathing again. "And Harry gave us the money he won from the Triwizard Tournament."

"Interesting." Juniper kept thinking, fiddling with her nails. "So only you, Harry and George know?"

"Yep. We're keeping it a surprise until we leave school."

"Right." Juniper bit her lip, nervous to bring up school. "And how do you feel about leaving school? Are you scared... or excited... or sad."

"Are you trying to ask if I'll miss you?" He grinned, watching her anxious face twist. "You do realise I'm going to be in Hogsmeade every chance I get, just to see you?"

"Seriously? That's so-"

"I'm dead serious, Juniper." He said, his face straight. "You'll have to tell me everything that happens, and if Nott or Malfoy try anything. I'll march right into the Great Hall if I have to. I think I've shown that I'm not above drawing blood."

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